August - October 22

Halloween Is Coming!

The children have been talking about Halloween! Pumpkins were put at the woodwork station to practise hammering nails into. The children commented on how "big" the pumpkins were. Words such as 'gigantic, huge, massive, enormous' were used to increase children's language and vocabulary.

The children decorated the pumpkins. They used different materials and objects to create the pumpkins face!

"The lollipop stick is going to be the mouth and the lids are going to be the eyes - it has green eyes!"

Witch Ring Toss

Number Recognition - "I did hat number 5"


Concentration skills

Throwing Skills

Counting Spiders

"2 spiders"

"I am counting the spiders and putting them on the web!"


Witches' Wands

Fine motor skills - threading the beads.

The children have been reading the story 'Winnie the Witch' and wanted to create their own magical wands.

They went on a stick hunt and found different lengths and sizes of sticks.

They chose what materials they wanted to use such as; beads,glitter and ribbon.

Fine motor skills - twisting the ribbon around the sticks.

Printing Pumpkins

We chose if we wanted to use either apples or potatoes to make pumpkin printings!

We used our paint brush skills to carefully paint the stem of the pumpkins!

Such great focus and concentration!

We used different materials and shapes to decorate our own pumpkins

All our pumpkins are different!

We are developing our fine motor skills by cutting, gluing and sticking!

Halloween Bingo!

Taking Turns

Working together


"There are 2 vampires and they match!"



Using a knife to ice our halloween biscuits

Learning about the consistency of the icing. We predicted what the consistency would be like.

Will it be 'runny' or 'thick'?

MUGA: to explore children's moving and thinking skills and to follow verbal and visual instructions


Following visual instructions

Green - Run

Yellow - Jump

Red- Stop


Jump and then land on two feet


Can we place our feet on their side?

Can we then try and move with them in that position?

Placing one foot on our heel and the other foot on our tip toes - we really had to think about this one!

Jumping over the line

Autumn Loose Parts

Making patterns with autumn leaves


Being creative using a variety of autumn loose parts

Natural materials such as; conkers, leaves, sticks and pinecones were used!

Some of the things that were created were people and animals.

Practising our pen control

Going over the outline of the leaf!

Decorating Pinecones

There were a variety of sizes of pinecones for the children to choose from

Choosing what colour of paints we wanted to use

Sprinkling glitter

Autumn Time Is Here!

Our Autumn tree paintings!

We spoke about the different shapes,sizes, colours and patterns of the leaves

Leaf Printing

Look at our beautiful autumn artwork!

We drew our own autumn leaves!

What detailed drawings!

And we tried our best cutting them out!

We used our fine motor skills by gluing and sticking tissue paper - decorating our autumn leaves!

Autumn Time Is Here!

Autumn time is here! Autumn time is here! It's getting very chilly now that Autumn time is here!

The leaves are falling down, the leaves are falling down - red, orange, yellow, brown, the leaves are falling down!

The animals gather food, the animals gather food - nuts, seeds and juicy fruits, the animals gather food!

Our Autumn Walk

Our bags full of pinecones!

"I think we have 100 pinecones"

The children went on an Autumn walk to see what they could find. We spotted a pinecone tree and collected them. We put them into bags and then predicted how many we had collected. We took them back into the nursery and counted them. We will be using them for a variety of learning experiences.

"They fell from the tree and they are on the ground!"

Practising our woodwork tools



Drilling Holes

Sanding the wood to make it smooth

Taking nails out

"A house for my mummy"

Here are some of the children's wonderful woodwork creations!

The idea of creating our own traffic light stemmed from the children using the bikes and scooters and using words 'Go' and 'Stop'

Drawing a circle for the traffic lights

Practising our cutting skills by cutting around the circles!

Gluing the circles!

Sticking them on in the correct order

Using our writing skills to show which each colour means

Decorating the traffic lights in all the colours!

Using the traffic light in our play. "Red means you need to stop!"

Number roads!

We are using different vehicles on the number roads. This helps us understand the correct direction in which numbers are written.

The children worked together as a team and chose very carefully what sizes and shapes of blocks to use inorder to build their own individual cars. What amazing creativity and teamwork skills!

Symmetrical Structures

L built her very own Zoo using her creativity and problem solving skills. "This zoo has dinosaurs in it, they are making a lot of noise!"

"We both built a helicopter. It's so tall, even taller than you!"

"The long block is a bridge to the castle!"

"It's a cafe!"

Baking Cookies

We add the first ingredient first - butter!

Then the icing sugar. We had to count out 4 tablespoons!

  • Measuring

  • Counting

  • Following instructions

  • Creativity

  • Exploring cause and effect

  • Developing life skills

  • Language development

  • Listening skills

  • Developing fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination

I wonder what it smells like?

"Look at mine! I mixed it and it's fluffy!"

"It's quite hard to stir"

Pouring 1 tablespoon of milk in

Adding a bit of vanilla flavour to the mixture!

Kneading the dough

"It's sticky! I need more flour I think"

We had different shapes of cutters to choose from

"I'm going to do a star"

Learning about time and finding out how long it takes for the cookies to cook!

Ready to put into the oven!

Lets decorate our biscuits!

We used icing and different shapes and colours of sprinkles!

All ready to have a taste!

Banana Smoothies

Cutting the bananas into pieces

Pouring the milk in

Adding the bananas into the milk

Apple Smoothies

Chopping the apples

Adding the apples to the milk

"It tastes fruity!"

Playful Playdough


Adding colour to the dough

  • Playdough helps develop children's fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination.

  • It encourages creativity.

  • It is significant for physical developmental milestones such as holding, writing, drawing, cutting etc.

  • It supports literacy and numeracy (measuring out all the ingredients and using descriptive language).

  • It helps children relax, focus and relieve stress.





Using different tools to mark make




"Look I made a man hand bag!"

"It's so sticky and stretchy!"

"I made a lollipop!"

"It's a puppy!"

Putting different flavours of toppings on the cupcake!

Welcome back!

Our new and returning children have settled well into the new nursery year and have been; building friendships, building relationships with staff, learning the nursery routines, engaging in play and taking part in a variety of learning experiences. Have a look at how busy we have been the last few weeks!

Outdoor Play

The children were interested in making cakes with the sand. Candles were provided and the children discussed the different colours, the patterns and counted the candles. They learned that the shape of the candles is a 'Cylinder'

"It's so stripy"

"We can all count!

"Gold and silver"

"We are on the see saw!"

"We are going up and down"

Picking out our planted potatoes and washing them!

Picking out our grown potatoes and washing them!

Working as a team to build a wooden slide with steps

"We are pretending we are on horses! I go horse riding!"

"I found a stick that looks like number 7!"

Physical Literacy/Muddy Movers


Going under the wooden tent



Risk Assessing



Making a water slide!

Getting messy in the mud kitchen!


Shaving foam

"It's so soft, it looks like snow!"

"It's white like snow!"

Caring for our environment by pulling out weeds!

Numeracy - 'Can you jump to number 5?'

"I'm standing on number 5"

Mark making with coloured sand

Planting cress seeds

We are engineers - building a roof with wooden planks!

Under the roof

"Look I'm a mermaid"

Safety first!

We need to put our helmet on before cycling.

Developing our gross motor skills