This walkthrough video shows how to create a new account on the ZNOLY Multi-Sports Event Management Platform.
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How-To Video walk through on Updating Account Profile on the ZNOLY Multi-Sports Event Management Platform.
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How-To Video walk through on Creating a Team on the ZNOLY Multi-Sports Event Management Platfor
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How-To Video walk through on Update Team Roster for an upcoming event on the ZNOLY Multi-Sports Event Management Platform.
The EPL requires that each player have a valid annual EPL player ID card. In order to eliminate substitutions of illegal rostered players, having an EPL ID is imperative. Therefore, every player is required to show their EPL ID before entering the field of play.
Registering as a new player? You must first register through ZNOLY Player PORTAL as a new player. Start here.
2024 EPL ID Fees
Pay online 7 days prior to your first event and upload your personal photo: $40.00
Pay online within 7 days of your first event or wait until the event: $50.00
Forget to upload your photo or wait until the event to get your picture taken: $10.00
Lost your ID, need a reprint or event roster change: $10.00
EPL ID Frequently Asked Questions
1. I am new to tournament paintball, how do I get my EPL ID?
Registering as a new player?
You must first register through ZNOLY as a new player.
After completing and submitting the form, you will receive an email that will contain your player ID number which is automatically generated by ZNOLY.
You will need this number when registering your team for an event.
Note: You only register for an ZNOLY account ONCE in your lifetime. This number will follow you the rest of your tournament paintball career. If you already have an ZNOLY account/ID, use the account look-up form to locate your personal information.
Information entered must exactly match your government ID. It is important that the information you enter is correct. A few seconds spent now will save you time later.
Be prepared to provide the following information:
Login information
Choose a username
Choose a password
Confirm your password
Personal Information
Your first name
Your middle name – Not required but we stronly suggest providing it.
Your last name
Contact Information
Your email address
Confirm your email address
Phone number
Zip Code
2. I already have an APPA number, how do I get an EPL Player ID?
You do NOT need to re-register or create another APPA number.
Go to the ZNOLY site and log In to your Player Profile.
Click on the “Picture” tab to upload your personal photo to be printed to your EPL ID.
Click on the “ID Cards” tab to pay your EPL Player registration fee.
Select “Eastern Paintball League” then,
Click one of the “Buy Now” buttons to pay.
You’ll receive an email when your photo is approved.
Bring your government-issued photo ID to the next event to pick up your card.
3. Why do I need an EPL ID?
The EPL contracts with the ZNOLY Events Tournament Registration System, to identify players and their tournament history. By keeping track of one’s tournament history, ZNOLY is able to rank players and qualify them based on a ranking system. This ranking system is the measuring stick by which we rank individual players and qualify them for divisions of play that we offer. ZNOLY does not share information with the APPA / PBLi. Rankings will not be transferred.
The primary purpose of an EPL ID is to provide a means of verifying a player’s identity and event participation history.
To insure that experienced players are categorized in divisions that include other players of similar playing experience.
By preventing “sandbaggers” from registering in divisions of less experience, our goal is to help grow the sport of paintball, make each division competitive and keep it fun for all.
4. When do I need an EPL ID Card?
You will need an EPL ID Card to be a player or staff member in the Eastern Paintball League. To save money and time, we highly suggest that all participants register for an ZNOLY ID number and purchase an EPL ID card before the date of the event in which you plan to participate.
5. What if I have a previous years EPL ID Card?
Each player must obtain a new EPL ID each year.
A new EPL ID insures that each player is categorized and ranked accordingly based on previous years performance, not only from EPL events, but all ZNOLY endorsed tournaments.
6. What is the easiest way to obtain my EPL ID Card?
The easiest and fastest way to obtain an EPL ID Card is online. Waiting until the day of the event will cause you to wait in line and pay more money.
7. Why should I register early for an EPL ID?
All players are eligible for the EPL ID discount by paying for your EPL ID registration fee online and uploading a photograph suitable for printing prior to 7 days before your first event.
Pictures must be of one individual.
A close-up portrait similar to a drivers license or state ID picture.
Although you save $10 by prepaying for your EPL ID, you will be subject to a $10 service charge if your personal photo has not been uploaded for printing or is not suitable for use.
Personal photo must be uploaded by the close of business Monday prior to your event.
EPL ID’s purchased after the Monday prior to your event may be subject to as much as a $60 cost.* Late fee / ID adjustment fee
Take advantage of this $10 savings buy prepaying and uploading your photo.
Spend your time on the field and not waiting in line to pay more money and to simply get your picture taken.
8. Do I need to purchase an EPL ID for each event?
No. Your annual EPL ID is good for all events that season. You can play any EPL format in any EPL event, with an annual EPL ID card.
9. How do I pickup my EPL ID Card?
Proper identification is required to pick up your EPL ID Card
Players 17 years of age and older MUST have one of the following:
State-issued Driver’s License or ID Card
US or Foreign Passport
Photo US Military ID with Birth Date
Players under 17 may also use one of the following:
Photo School ID Card with student grade level and school logo
Photo School ID Card accompanied by one of the following: Birth Certificate or Driving Permit
Photo in Player’s Most Recent School Yearbook accompanied by one of the following: copy or Birth Certificate or Driving Permit
US Passport
10. If I already have a NXL ID card, do I need to purchase an EPL ID card?
Yes. The league is not affiliated with the NXL.