Google Classroom FAQs

Q: How does my child get into Google Classroom?

A: You can type in the URL bar or click the Google Classroom app in the apps grid in the top right of the screen. Students in Pre-K to grade 3, who use iPads, will tap the Google Classroom app to find their classes.

Q: What is the best way to "see" the teacher in Google Meet?

A: In Google Meet, go to the three vertical dots in the bottom right corner and select “Change Layout. Choose “Spotlight.” The teacher's video feed is now the main feature.

Q: What browser should I be using for Google Workspace for Education? (Google Classroom)

A: It is highly recommended that students only use Chrome browser. It is built by Google, as are all of the apps for Google Workspace. If you have a Macbook, you can still download the Chrome browser. Many Google apps do not run well in Safari.

Q: Why can’t my child log into her/his school account?

A: Please double-check to make sure the username and password is correct. It’s case-sensitive. If your child can’t remember her/his password, please ask the classroom teacher or submit a help request.

Q: Why can’t my child log in on a school-managed Chromebook?

A: Please click the drop-down next to the username and Remove User (two places) for all accounts. Then, log in again with your child’s username and password. If it asks for your “old” password and you don’t know it, click Forgot Password. You’ll get a “warning” that if you proceed, you’ll lose local data. Proceed anyway. The “local data” is just what might have been downloaded to the Chromebook directly, not your child’s Google Drive. Everything that was there will still be there. Create a new password. If you continue to have login issues, please submit a help request.

Q: What is a Guardian Summary? (Google Classroom)

A: A Guardian Summary is a list of the missing, current, or upcoming assignments in your child’s Google Classrooms. Teachers must add a parent's email address to the student's guardian list in Google Classroom. Once you’ve been added to the Guardian Summary, you will get an email asking you to subscribe Daily or Weekly. There are no grades in a Guardian Summary. All grades are on the individual assignment and then reported to FACTS SIS.

Q: I accidentally changed my Guardian Summary to the wrong email. How do I fix that?

A: Google will always default to the Google account that is signed in. If you are logged into your child’s school account or a work account, Google will change the email to that account. You can simply “unsubscribe” that email account from the Guardian Summary and then ask your child’s teacher to re-add the correct email account.

Q: Is there a difference when using an iPad?

A: Yes. Please see this page: iPads with Google Classroom

Q: Why is my child getting a “Classroom not found” error when turning in classwork?

A: See the Pro Tips up top. This is the most common reason. Make sure your student’s Chrome Profile icon and the Google Account icon match, then you’ll know your student is in the right account.

Q: Is my child supposed to click Share or Turn In or what?

A: When your child is editing a document attached to the assignment, she/he should just finish her/his work and then close the document. It will automatically save (there is no Save button in Google) and now your child will be back on the Student Work page where the actual Turn In or Mark as Done button is displayed in the Your Work panel at the right.

Q: What’s the difference between Turn In and Mark as Done?

A: Turn in will appear as above when the teacher has an attachment that each student needs to do and return OR if each student needs to +Add or create an attachment to turn in. If an attachment is required but not attached and the student clicks Turn in, the teacher will not receive the student’s work. Mark as done will appear if all of the attachments are on the left side of the screen and are items the students need to view or read. Students should Mark as done to indicate to the teacher that the material has been viewed or read.

Q: How can my child be sure she/he is in the right account?

A: Hover over the icon next to the apps grid. The student’s school username will show up.

Q: How should my child access the websites that the teacher recommends or assigns?

A: If the link is not already in your child’s Google Classroom for that teacher, she/he should go to the website and use the Sign in or Log in with Google. A prompt for the school username should pop up. Just click the correct username for that child. If she/he is already logged into the school account for the session, the password will not be requested.

Q: Why is my iPad having problems opening work in Google Classroom?

Students are having trouble viewing assignments when using an iPad.

A: The following apps need to be downloaded along with the Google Classroom app: docs, sheets, slides, meet, and any other G Suite apps the teachers are using or plan to use. Students will still only log in to the Google Classroom app, but having the other programs on the device will allow them to work properly in Classroom.

Q: How do I see/print my child’s graded Google Form quiz/assignment?

A: On the student work page, after a Form has been graded and returned, a copy of the individual student’s quiz/assignment will now show up under Your Work in Google Classroom

Q: How do students get a picture of their workbook/drawing/etc., to TURN IN in Google Classroom?

A: Students will open the assignment in Google Classroom. Select +Add or create to add an attachment. Select camera. Take a picture using your device's camera. You may have to Select ALLOW to allow Google Classroom to access the camera.

Q: Why might a student have to request access to a teacher’s document/file?

A: If teachers share a document created in Google Classroom that was created in Google Drive instead of right in Classroom, they will have to change the permissions to “everyone with a link can view.” If it’s created right in Google Classroom, Google knows the students need permission so there will be no need for them to request access. Kindly let teachers know right away to please change the access rather than clicking “request access.”