Cette capsule contient des témoignages de personnes qui vivent l'intergénérationnel ou ce "Vivre ensemble entre générations", autrement. Une diversité d'initiatives, qui sortent du commun, vous est présentée. Vous découvrirez les avantages de participer à des initiatives intergénérationnelles et ce qui motive les personnes à y participer. Si l'intergénérationnel vous intéresse, vous trouverez une liste d'activités dans la section de ce site intitulée Généraction, que vous pouvez organiser dans vos communautés.

BRAZIL: Language exchange

FCB Brasil and the CNA language school network are launching the Speaking Exchange project, which connects CNA students in Brazil with Americans living in retirement homes. This meeting is carried out via an exclusive digital tool that uses video chat technology to bring the students face to face with Americans.

FRANCE: Concours de pâtisserie integénérationnelle

Le service seniors de la ville associé au Bel âge et à l’ERJ, ont organisé un concours de pâtisserie dans le cadre des actions intergénérationnelles. Retour en images de cette après-midi pleine de saveurs.

Intergenerational learning: exchanges between young and old | Jurriën Mentink EDxAmsterdamED

In many university towns, there is a shortage of affordable student housing. In those same towns, elderly people often live in isolation in nursing homes, where learning ceases. What happens when you try to solve multiple social issues with one solution? In Deventer, what happened is the creation of an intergenerational learning model which has had incredible effects on its participants. By offering students free housing in nursing homes in exchange for time spent with its residents, this solution proposed by a Dutch student has stimulated one of the most beautiful and effective intergenerational learning models in the Netherlands. So simple, in fact, that it's an idea worth spreading far and wide.