
The professionalism portion of the final project is intended to motivate students to think more about the impact of their questions before asking them. Unprofessional interactions consume time yet have no meaningful benefits. In the workplace, wasting time of your colleagues, your supervisors or your supervisors supervisor will only discount you. When you are discounted, you just won't be invited for new opportunities that you may or may not be aware of.

Everyone has responsibilities, and interruptions delay completion of those responsibilities. If the interruption has a tangible benefit of progress, all is well.

Some portion of the final project grade is to account for demonstrating maturity and professionalism and this is embedded in all phases of the final project. By default, every student is assumed to be professionally mature. During the quarter, based on observations by the teaching staff and instructors, which includes but is not limited to one on one personal interactions and any paperwork you will submit, your professionalism credit may be affected.