Dine/Coffee With a Prof/TA

UCSD has implemented the "Dine/Coffee With a Prof Program", where UCSD students can get coffee or lunch with a professor or TA for free! This is a wonderful program that enables students to get to know UCSD staff members one-on-one, and it is highly encouraged that you do so for this course as well.

If you are interested in getting to know one of the CSE 11 staff members, please follow these steps:

-IMPORTANT: The vouchers are limited, so it is better to obtain them earlier rather than later!

  • Once you are sure that vouchers are available, fill out this Google form to request a specific CSE 11 Staff member: https://goo.gl/forms/WZfVGBHyHA8z1gVz1
  • First come first serve so submit a request early and wait for a response! :)