Setting up PAs

Setting up Programming Assignments:

  1. Log into your lab computer.
    1. If you do not know your own CSE11 login id (cs11XXX), go to the ACMS lookup tool here:
    2. Even if you code on your own computer, you must ensure your code works on the lab computers.
    3. Also see these instructions for SSHing.
  2. Download the starter code from Vocareum or google drive (link will be provided in PA write-ups).
      1. To download the starter code as a zip file from Vocareum, start your assignment (either solo or with a partner). That should open the workbench, which looks like a simple in-browser IDE. In there, you will have the option to download the starter code as a zip file under the Actions drop down menu (see image below.)
      2. Create a new folder where you will put your PA work. Unzip all files into the folder.

  1. To edit the files using eclipse or vim follow these discussion slides.
  2. To compile the files, use terminal command javac. For example, javac If there is more than one file, just put them in like javac
  3. To run the files, use terminal command java. For example, java File . You can run only one main method at a time, and the file you run must contain a main method, so you cannot run more than one Java file.

Additional useful commands are:

  • ls and ls -l (lists the files in current directory)
  • mkdir (creates a new directory with the folder name in the current directory)
  • cd (changes directory into the folder name from the current folder.)
  • cp
    • (copies the file or files to the specified directory)
    • cp folderName/* . for example will copy all files in current directory/folderName into the current directory.
    • The period means current directory and is sometimes useful to specify.
  • scp (lets you transfer files between the server and your computer)
  • time (for example, time java ThisProgram, times your program)