Cluster 6: Biodiesel from Renewable Sources

Week 4

Day 1 Friday (7/28)

Today was our last actual day of lab. It's a really sad thing, the lab is where we've grown accustomed to; it's where we all met and worked and broke glass. By no means was it our last day in the lab, but now that we've acquired most of our data, there's very little to do in it. All that's left is to finish our final presentation and poster!

The program, on Friday, was really fun! It was carnival night and the entire COSMOS had a lot of fun playing field games and pieing our RAs.

Day 2 (Saturday, 7/29):

Today was a very calm day with no large events! Mainly it was a lot of housekeeping, trips to Price Center (especially the frozen yogurt and boba place), and working on presentations!

Day 3 (Sunday, 7/30):

The main event that occurred today was the Night Under the Cosmos. After dinner, Cosmos students dressed up for the dance, which was at Canyon Vista. The occasion was very fun as students were recommending great songs to the DJ, and the RA's were making very refreshing mocktails. 

Day 4 (Monday, 7/31):

In the morning, we attended an actual chemistry lecture! It was very interesting to see how the lecture hall resonates and how the large class size impacts the teaching!

In the afternoon, the true grind begins. From today on, everything will be focused on working with our Cluster Assistant on our final projects! We split up into our 5 groups and started working.

Day 5 (Tuesday, 8/1):

For a precious learning experience, one of our professors, Dr. Brian, decided to give us a lecture on a very useful topic: explosives. We learned about different types of explosives, the chemicals behind them, stories dealing with explosives, and so much more! He even showed us a small (and safe) demonstration! In the afternoon, it was back to the projects.

Day 6 (Wednesday, 8/2):

It's time to start wrapping up! Thursday is the dress rehearsal and the majority of the groups are all practicing by now. Students were making any last minutes changes needed, practicing their slides, and finishing the poster!

In the afternoon we first cleaned up the lab, then split up into our groups. Some of us went to Giesel Library to work, some to coffee shops or some just stayed in the Natural Science Building.

To the right, you can see some photos of students just after cleaning the lab!

Day 7 (Thursday, 8/3):

In the morning, Cluster 3 and 6 grouped together in the Natural Science Building for the dress rehearsal. The 5 groups from Cluster 3 went first and received valuable feedback from Mr. T and Sarah.  Later, we would visit other parts of Revelle and finish the dress rehearsal.