Cluster 13: Video Game Programming and Game AI Design

Week 4


Today, we had five representatives talk about the status of women in STEM. They were qualified, successful people who overcame struggles to place themselves in the spots they are in today, and they encouraged the girls to step up and speak out. During lab time, we finished our RTS games and created our presentations for the following day. We were also surprised with some delicious lumpias!


Friday morning was dedicated to finishing up our Real Time Strategy games, as well as our presentations. After a quick break for lunch, we dove into the presentations, and received feedback for which we could use for the final presentation. We then selected our partners and pitched final project ideas to Doctor Porter and Professor Miranda.

The afternoon's programming was replaced by the COSMOS Carnival. There were many games and activites on the lawn that students could earn raffle tickets for winning. There were also booths for face paint and balloon animals where residents could request designs. The highlight of the night was when the majority of the raffle winners came from our cluster.


Saturday morning was filled mostly with inside time and potential trips to Price Center. Many of Cluster 13 students walked to the yogurt store and visited the bookstore afterward. The afternoon was filled with more inside time, allowing us to further recharge. 


Sunday morning began with some relaxing inside time, though many people were anticipating the COSMOS dance. After some afternoon programming and dinner, the dance began, which consisted of a fun night of "mocktails" (nonalcoholic drinks), dancing, and hanging out with friends. 

Memorable event 1: Stars of our names were hanging around the walls, so Dominic and others collected the stars for everyone in the cluster. 

Memorable event 2: Calvin made the night memorable by wearing a symbolic dress, taking home the title of Cluster 13 Prom Queen along with his Cluster 13 King, Hastin.

Monochrome Monday

Today's the first day of our Cluster's spirit week, we all wore monochrome! We spent the entire time starting our personal games. Most of the groups had laid down the foundations of the design and built the important mechanics of the game. The entire day was dedicated to lab time so as to give us more time to create the best project possible.

The afternoon saw the COSMOS Talent Show where we had a few participants ourselves. Hastin and Calvin, with their entire floor, sang the National Anthem. Keren went up for a solo jazz dance performance. She also joined an impromptu Cluster dance-off and got first place for that too, winning a bucket full of snacks, Starbucks, and candy! RA Hannah also sang a beautiful song to the audience.

Twins Tuesday

Today is Twins Tuesday, people wore the same clothes and twined up.

Instead of the traditional Science Communications presentations, the cluster was given more time to work on the final project. Due to being expected to finish by tomorrow, most game mechanics were complete and ready to be filmed.

Wacky Wednesday

Today was intended for groups to finish up, polish, and add final features to the games. Many groups started their presentations and fixed small bugs in their games to make it as presentable as possible.

Throwback Thursday

Today was the last day before our final presentations.  We worked on our presentations and practiced in order to make sure that it was under 4 minutes. We presented in front of the class and reviewed the videos of our presentations as well as feedback so that we could improve our presentation skills. Professor Miranda also handed out gifts to the people who won student's choice and instructors' choice for best video games over the past four weeks.