Jackson showing off his abnormally long robot arm. Still trying to find the inspiration behind this uncanny manifestation. 


This morning we listened to a lecture by Professor Morris on embedded systems and circuits. We learned about voltage, current, and resistance in engineering and the difference between analog and digital signals. After the lecture, we took a walk outside while our professor showed us some cool art projects displayed around campus before we headed to lunch. In the afternoon, we continued working with Arduinos and split into pairs to build robotic linkages.



Karcher showing us around Envision Labs! Side Note: I've never seen Adin so energetic before. Was truly in his element. 


Tuesday began with a discovery lecture from Professor Christensen where he discussed how he built an automated car that could drive around the UCSD campus. Following the Zoom lecture, our teacher fellow Conner took our cluster to Starbucks for a quick brain break. Then, we started brainstorming ideas for our final projects. After lunch, we used Arduinos and buzzers to create music.  At the end of class, Karcher gave us a tour of the Envision Lab which was really cool. 




On Wednesday, Professor Karcher Morris taught us about communication using computers and introduced to us App Inventor, a web application that allows people to develop applications for Androids. We also had a guest speaker discuss with us the ethics of ChatGPT and how the implications it will have. For the afternoon, we continued to work on building a musical instrument with Arduinos in our partner pairs and everyone presented their work by the end of class. 




We started off Thursday morning with an enlightening Women in STEM panel featuring some incredible women who shared their experiences working in STEM companies. After the panel, we took another trip to Starbucks/Price Center and discussed what to do for our final projects. In the afternoon, Professor Karcher wasn’t here so our TA Adin led us through the lab on integrating Python and Arduino. 


Saturday was the day where we got to go to La Jolla Shores!  We arrived there roughly at 11 AM, and many of us immediately darted towards the beach while some stayed on the grass or went to the nearby playground.  The water was pretty tame and shallow surprisingly, but it was clear enough to see the bottom unlike most beaches in California.  Besides the water, there were plenty of scuba divers and some of us even found a shark egg that looked like a black spiraling seashell. After treading the water for who knows how long, we went to the nearby restaurants, varying from burgers, pizza, to even ramen and sushi (it was a nice break from dining hall food).  In the end, we all grouped up at the grass under the canopies and trees, and sadly left the beach :(

On Sunday night, all students at COSMOS attended casino night! We were each given $200 (it was fake, unfortunately), and were then free to gamble as we pleased! We were open to playing Black Jack, Poker, and Roulette. A couple of the students in our cluster hit it big, while others lost their money :( During the night, we were served various mocktails, and we also put into raffles for many different prizes. ONE OF OUR CLUSTER MEMBERS, CONNOR, WON A FLOWER BOUQUET LEGO KIT. Just another way to justify Cluster 1's #1 status amongst other clusters. Other prizes included a sewing kit, a poker set, a polaroid, plushies, and a record player! Overall, casino night was filled with loads of fun :) 

Friday: On Friday, our cluster had the amazing opportunity to visit Viasat headquarters! Viasat is an American communications company that provides high-speed satelite broadband services and secure networking systems covering both military and commercial markets. During our trip, we were given a tour of the campus and were able to learn about the inner workings of a satelite company. We were given a stellar presentation on recruitment at the company, and were given a sneak peek at what an internship may look like. In the end, we received goodie bags with Viasat merch! 

Monday Field Trip: On Monday, Karcher had the cluster moving! During the morning lecture, we were taken out to the fog to go on a walk around campus, during which we explored various art pieces and brainstormed about we could make them smart with sensors and actuators. Later in the day, we were taken to Envision Labs, a lab which hold various tools to build and design anything as you please. Our cluster assistant Adin was ecstatic walking in, I've never seen him so happy. 

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