Role of the Board of Education


2001 Role of the Board of Education

The Board of Education of the Exeter-Milligan School District is the legal agency through which the community works to provide the physical facilities, curriculum, instructional supplies and staff to enable the district’s mission and objectives to be carried out.

The board of education is charged by the state with the duty of providing public elementary and secondary education for the citizens of the district, and it derives from the legislature the powers to perform that duty.

The legislature has also created the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education and has delegated them certain regulatory and advisory functions. The Board has responsibilities to these agencies as specified by law.

Where the legislature has enumerated the powers and/or duties, the Board is strictly governed by the provisions of law and has little or no discretion in making policy. In those areas not specifically enumerated in law, the Board has a wide latitude to adopt those policies and to take actions which it deems proper and necessary to accomplish the task which the state has delegated to the Board, so long as the Board does not act in an arbitrary or capricious manner which infringe upon those rights guaranteed the individual.

The board of education realizes that the individual board member’s sincerity, integrity, and loyalty are necessary to provide the ideals in an education system.

The Board works for adequate and dependable financial support of the public schools, promotions of effective and efficient organization, and administration of the district.

It is the intent of the Board to employ a superintendent of schools as the chief executive and to delegate that person, through policy statements and procedures for accountability, the administration of the school program.