Leadership and interpersonal skills

Skills in administration, decision making, goal setting, conflict transformation, and organizational leadership are important parts of serving in the kingdom.

In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen

  • Summary: In this book, Nouwen points to a Christ-centered approach to Christian leadership, encouraging Christians to embrace prayer and forgiveness based authority.
  • Suggestion for use: This short, easy to read book is helpful to anyone wanting to live with the integrity and compassion of Christ, leading from humility.

The Serving Leader by John Stahl-Wert and Ken Jennings

  • Summary: Through an engaging narrative, Stahl-Wert and Jennings describe five basic concepts of servant leadership that help organizations and people reach their potential.
  • Suggestion for use: A short, engaging read. However, reflecting on each principle and how your own leadership style needs to be adjusted will take longer and will probably require revisiting the material multiple times.

Listening and Caring Skills by John Savage

  • Summary: The secret to leadership and transformation of a group — or a person — is the quality of the relationship one person has with another. Savage offers 11 specific and teachable listening skills for improving relationships among those who do ministry in small-group settings or when offering counsel to others.
  • Suggestion for use: At the end of each chapter, there are questions to practice the skill covered in the chapter.

Generation to Generation by Edwin H. Friedman

  • Summary: This book applies the concepts of systemic family therapy to the emotional life of congregations. Friedman shows how the same understanding of family process that can aid clergy in their pastoral role also has important ramifications for negotiating congregational dynamics and functioning as an effective leader.