Holistic ministry that empowers

people and communities

We believe the gospel is about transforming every area of people’s lives and communities. We desire to bless the communities we serve through mutual sharing of resources and encouraging the potential in everyone.

When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert

  • Summary: Corbett and Fikkert give an in-depth analysis of poverty from a kingdom perspective, along with many case studies of both effective and ineffective strategies to help alleviate poverty.
  • Suggestions for use: This book is a must-read for anyone working with the economically poor. It cuts through many of our misconceptions about poverty, brings out the complexity involved, and offers many helpful ways forward.

“The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Angozi Adichie

  • Summary: In this TED Talk, Adichie shares from her own experience about how having only a single story about a certain group of people leads to misconceptions and an inability to understand others.
  • Suggestions for use: This video is a great springboard for discussions into what stereotypes we hold and what steps we can take to better understand those who are different from us.

“What's in your hands?” by Hope International

  • Summary: This short video invites us to consider both biblical and current stories of how God invites us to think about what we do have, and offer it to Him, rather than focusing on what we do not have.
  • Suggestions for use: This video provides an important concept for those who desire to help others economically. Rather than focusing on what we or others need, we need to focus on what we have and how we can build on that in helpful ways.