Commitment to serving on a team

We desire that each person has intimate relationships with other disciples of Christ in the place where he or she serves. A team is a place for discerning vision, walking in accountability, and encouraging each person’s unique gifting and role. This often means learning to work with members from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.

The Gift of Being Yourself by David Benner

  • Summary: A call to become more like Christ, which paradoxically means more authentically yourself. This book invites the Christian to surrender to the Love that has created them, and learn about their unique purpose in the world — an important aspect of learning to live with healthy rhythms and boundaries, as well as being part of a team.
  • Suggestions for use: A key part of serving on a team is accepting ourselves as we are so we can also accept others as they are. For those serving on a team, this book will help with both of these aspects of team life.

StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath

  • Summary: This book includes an assessment for readers to identify their top five strengths. There is also a description of each strength and how it is best utilized.
  • Suggestion for use: This book is helpful to grow in our understanding of how God has created us and how our strengths best interplay with the strengths of those around us.

Cultivating a Life for God by Neil Cole

  • Summary: Cole outlines the simple tool of Life Transformation Groups, a guide for accountability groups of two or three people. He shows the groups' effectiveness through stories and gives tips on how this tool can be implemented by anyone.
  • Suggestion for use: This is a good guide to read before starting a Life Transformation Group. However, if there is no follow-through to actual practice, reading this book will have been in vain; reading should be a springboard into practicing this helpful tool.