Day 4

Dig Journal Entry

Day 4 Journal by Jacob Rose Thursday 13th February 2020

2:10 pm - 3:30 pm

Our final day of digging was with mixed emotion. Despite our excitement to discover more arfects, we were plagued by intermittent periods of rain. Regardless, our amateur group of keen archaeologists persevered through the bad weather, discovering an exciting array of artefacts. First, we carefully extracted the water off top of our tarp, making sure that none of it fell into our holes. Then, the digging began. Our first major discovery was found by Max and Ari in the form of a cloth and wire. Curtain? Clothing? Maybe. Our diggers also uncovered multiple thick shards and pegs.

We were then visited by the whole of year 1, who seemed fascinated by the holes but ironically less interested in the things we found. However, India and I showcased the group's discoveries, asking questions such as what is it, when was it from and who might’ve used it. After year 1 left, we were left with the tedious task of filling what we had dug up over the past 2 weeks. Ultimately, it was a sometimes exciting, often disappointing but overall thoroughly enjoyable educational experience for us first time archaeologists.

Archaeological Dig 2020 Day 4
Day 1