Day 2

Dig Journal Entry

by Eitan Vaknin Thursday 6 February 2020

Today was an exciting day. We wasted no time making our way straight to the site uncovering the holes and digging. On day one we spent the majority of the time trying to clear the roots and grass as it was obstructing our path, But since we had cleared it we could really dig deeper, approximately (23cm) down. What was found between those 23cm was astonishing. The first discovery of the double was made 15 minutes in and is still only recognised as a wooden plank stretching through both holes (found by India), the second major discovery was A vintage Weet-Bix box (found by Lara) containing 12 distinct items. Lastly many different parts of old bottles were discovered (found by myself and India). In conclusion the class worked very hard (hats off to Ari and max for sieving) and had a blast, together massing a collection of over 20 items by the end of the day and getting very dirty knees. I cant wait to see what more we discover. (probably lots of sherds)



Lara Fosbery



Ari Merten & Max Kidman


1st Major Find

Day 2 Photos
Dig Site Map Template copy.docx
Day 1