Calling all changemakers, innovators, collaborators, and visionaries in our VCCS community! It's time to proudly showcase the incredible impact our faculty, staff, and student services professionals are making in the lives of our students.

Below you can explore the array of awards available for nomination. Each award not only recognizes outstanding contributions of our employees but also comes with a well-deserved monetary acknowledgment. Don't miss this chance to highlight your achievements, or those of your colleagues, and inspire others in our shared pursuit of excellence. 

Time is of the essence! All awards submissions are due no later than February 16, 2024 by 5:00 pm ET

Questions? Contact Casey Yocum at 

Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)

Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)

Purpose: The purpose of the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) is to recognize excellence in teaching in Virginia’s Community Colleges.


The Award: The Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence is awarded annually to one teaching faculty member in the VCCS who distinctly represents the teaching excellence found at VCCS college(s). The award provides the recipient with a VCCS stole and $5,000. One nomination per campus will be accepted.


Eligibility: Eligible applicants:


Criteria: The criteria on which the recipient is selected reflect the following:

1. Instructional Effectiveness


2. Student Focus


3. Discipline Competence

4. Personal Attributes


Note: All four criteria stated above will be given equal weight by the Selection Committee.


Application Process: Applicants for the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence must complete the Online Application form, which includes the following items:


1. Letter of support from the college president


2. Summary of Accomplishments (Four-page maximum): The major highlights of the nominee’s record of accomplishment must be identified and briefly described in a summary. This must directly address the criteria. The Summary may be prepared using bulleted sections; complete sentences are not required. A third-person perspective is suggested.


3. Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (Two-page maximum) An abbreviated vita outlining the nominee’s education, teaching experience, scholarly works and activities, public and academic service, awards, and other significant contributions must be included.

4. Personal Statement (Two-page maximum): The nominee must prepare a personal statement addressing:  their philosophy on teaching excellence and student success; and any other information deemed relevant by the nominee. Restating accomplishments discussed in the Summary section should be avoided as much as possible. It is suggested the personal statement be presented as a first-person narrative in complete sentences.


5. Letters of Support – excerpted (Two-page maximum):  Excerpts of support letters from supervisors (president, CAO, dean, dept. chair), colleagues (institutional and/or disciplinary), students (former and/or current), and community leaders or members must be included. (Two-page maximum; 250-word maximum for each excerpt)


6. Completed Signature Sheet - This is a fillable PDF that can be completed using Adobe Acrobat.

Additional materials are not accepted. It is strongly recommended that all parts of the application reflect the four criteria listed above. Be sure to check with your college to make sure you are complying with any internal deadlines or processes.


Selection Committee: Selection of the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence recipient is made by a committee comprised of one college president, one academic vice president, two deans (one academic and one student services), three faculty members, one student, and the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Professional Development.

Submission Deadline:  February 16, 2024 by 5:00 pm ET

Award Notification:  The award recipient and their college president will be notified confidentially prior to the public announcement during the Awards program at the annual New Horizons conference in April 2024.

Questions:  Contact Casey Yocum at 

Susan S. Wood Professorship for Teaching Excellence

Susan S. Wood Professorship for Teaching Excellence*
*This award is funded through the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education

Purpose: A fund supporting the Susan S. Wood Professorship for Teaching Excellence was created by the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education in November 2013 to honor Dr. Susan S. Wood’s 40 years of service to Virginia’s Community Colleges. The Susan S. Wood Professorship for Teaching Excellence recognizes a VCCS faculty member who demonstrates faculty excellence, dedication to students, and academic leadership.

The Award: The Susan S. Wood Professor will receive an honorarium paid at the end of the spring semester. The honorarium shall not become a part of the individual’s base salary. Designation as Susan S. Wood Professor shall not affect the faculty rank of the individual.

Eligibility: Individuals applying for this honor should be full-time faculty members in the VCCS whose careers reflect a history of striving for excellence, commitment and dedication to students, creative and innovative approaches to teaching, active involvement in one’s discipline, demonstrating leadership and collegiality among peers (at the college, state, and/or national levels), and reflecting continuous professional growth and development during his/her continuum of being a faculty member. The individual should be a seasoned professional who is giving back to the profession in some meaningful and demonstrable way, for example mentoring junior or adjunct faculty, engaging in research, and involving students in their work. A minimum of five years’ service to the VCCS is preferred.

Selection: Through a competitive selection process, a VCCS faculty member will be designated as the Susan S. Wood Professor. Faculty excellence, dedication to students, and academic leadership will be evident in the faculty member selected to receive this honor. The application & selection process is coordinated by the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Professional Development with oversight by the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Workforce Programs.

Application Process:  Applicants for the Susan S. Wood Professorship for Teaching Excellence must submit an Online Application form, which includes the following items:

1. A letter of nomination from their college president: Demonstrates the nominee’s teaching excellence

2. Current Resume or curriculum vitae (two-page maximum)

3. History of Faculty Excellence (maximum 300 words/2,000 characters with spaces): Describe how your career in the VCCS has exemplified a history of faculty excellence in teaching, research, and service.

4. Commitment and Dedication to Student Success (maximum 300 words/2,000 characters with spaces):
Describe how your career in the VCCS has exemplified a commitment and dedication to student success.

5. Creative and Innovative Approaches to Teaching (maximum 300 words/2,000 characters with spaces):
Describe how your approach to teaching has shown creativity and innovation.

6. Active Involvement in Your Discipline (maximum 300 words/2,000 characters with spaces): Describe how you have maintained an active involvement in your discipline during your academic career.

7. Demonstration of Leadership and Collegiality Among Peers (maximum 300 words/2,000 characters with spaces): Describe how you have demonstrated leadership and collegiality among your peers (at the college, state, and/or national levels).

8. Reflection of Continuous Professional Growth and Development (maximum 300 words/2,000 characters with spaces): Describe how your academic career reflects a continuous dedication to professional growth and development.

9. Additional Information (maximum 300 words/2,000 characters with spaces): Awards & honors; professional memberships and/or certifications

10. Completed Signature Sheet - This is a fillable PDF that can be completed using Adobe Acrobat.

Submission Deadline:  February 16, 2024 by 5:00 pm ET

Award Notification:  The award recipient and their college president will be notified confidentially prior to the public announcement during the Awards program at the annual New Horizons conference in April 2024.

Questions: Contact Casey Yocum at 

George B. Vaughan Leadership Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty

George B. Vaughan Leadership Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty*
*This award is made possible in part by support from the George B. Vaughan Leadership Endowment Fund through the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education

Purpose: Friends and family of Dr. George B. Vaughan established an endowment fund in 2014 to honor Dr. Vaughan’s distinguished service of over 40 years as a national leader in community college education. The George B. Vaughan Leadership Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty serves as a legacy of Dr. Vaughan’s achievements and as an inspiration for VCCS faculty. The award recognizes one outstanding VCCS adjunct faculty member per region for a total of up to five awards to be bestowed per year. The George B. Vaughan Leadership Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty is the first VCCS award to recognize the approximately 4,600 adjunct faculty members who are making an impact with countless students across Virginia.

The Award: Each Vaughan Award recipient receives an honorarium paid before the end of the spring semester.

Eligibility: Individuals applying for this honor must be current VCCS employees, serving as adjunct faculty members at the time of nomination, with a minimum of two years of service to their current, nominating college. Service does not have to be continuous but should be at a single VCCS college. Applicants’ adjunct teaching careers should reflect the excellence in leadership, teaching effectiveness, and student service exemplified by Dr. Vaughan. Adjunct faculty are nominated by their college president via a letter of recommendation. Presidents may nominate no more than one adjunct faculty member per campus.

Application Process: Applicants for the George B. Vaughan Leadership Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty must submit an Online Application form, which includes the following items:

1. Letter of recommendation from their college president: A supporting letter should demonstrate the nominee’s history of outstanding leadership, teaching, and service.

2. Current Resume or Curriculum Vitae (Two-page maximum)

3. Demonstration of Leadership Excellence (300 words/2,000 characters with spaces): Describe how your career in the VCCS has demonstrated excellence in leadership, in the classroom and beyond.

4. Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness including additional supporting materials (300 words/2,000 characters with spaces along with up to five supporting file uploads): Describe how effective teaching is evident in your VCCS adjunct faculty career. Applicants should demonstrate superior innovative teaching techniques and practices with a commitment to providing students with instruction of the highest quality; adapt readily to student needs, interests, and problems; provide outstanding support for the growth and development of individual students; and demonstrate use of relevant, contemporary information from their discipline in their teaching. Supporting materials may include class syllabus, student evaluations, professional presentations, and professional publications. (maximum of 5 files uploaded)

5. Dedication to Service (300 words/2,000 characters with spaces): Describe how your career in the VCCS has demonstrated your dedication to service, especially in the area of student success.

6. Additional Information (300 words/2,000 characters with spaces): Awards & honors; professional memberships and/or certifications

7. Completed Signature Sheet - This is a fillable PDF that can be completed using Adobe Acrobat.

Selection: Vaughan Award recipients are chosen through a competitive selection process overseen by a panel of outstanding educators assembled from across the VCCS by the Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Success and Professional Development. The panel will select adjunct faculty members who they determine best embody the excellence in leadership, teaching, and dedication to student success Dr. Vaughan inspires. Candidates should demonstrate consistently superior teaching and a commitment to providing students with instruction of the highest quality; adapt readily to student needs, interests, and problems; provide outstanding support for the growth and development of individual students; and demonstrate use of relevant, contemporary information from their discipline in their teaching.

Submission Deadline:  February 16, 2024 by 5:00 pm ET

Awards Notifications:  Award recipients and their respective college presidents will be notified confidentially prior to the public announcement during the Awards program at the annual New Horizons conference in April 2024.

Questions: Contact Casey Yocum at 

Excellence in Education Awards (EIE)

Excellence in Education Awards (EIE)

Purpose: The Excellence in Education (EIE) Awards acknowledge exceptional college work in support of the VCCS mission. The Excellence in Education awards program provides an annual opportunity to showcase, celebrate, and share ideas and innovations across the VCCS that contribute to improving student outcomes and reaching our strategic goals.


The Award: The Excellence in Education Awards is a celebration, acknowledgement and affirmation of the tremendous work that so many are doing to serve our students and communities.


The 2024 New Horizons Excellence in Education Awards will utilize nominations for these honors from the five key conference categories:

·       Academic Innovation

·       Classroom Excellence

·       Workplace Preparation

·       Removing Barriers

·       Engaging Students


The winner project/program in each category will be awarded a certificate and $500.


Please note: All cash prize award funds will be transmitted from the System Office to the business office of the winner’s college for disbursement; funds will not be made payable directly to awardees by the VCCS System Office.


Eligibility:  Any VCCS employee may be nominated for an award.


Nomination Process: Any VCCS employee may be nominated. Nominations for the Excellence in Education Awards must be submitted using the Online Application form, which includes the following items:


Submission Deadline:  February 16, 2024 by 5:00 pm ET

Awards Notifications:  The award recipient(s) and college president(s) will be notified confidentially prior to the public announcement during the Awards program at the annual New Horizons conference in April 2024.

Questions:  Contact Casey Yocum at