Provide instructions

Peer review instructions should be closely related to the how you coordinated groups & timing, and how you want to assess the peer review.

Below are a few non-exhaustive questions to consider when clarifying the peer review instructions. Click underlined text to access resources.


Alex & Chris discuss peer review instructions (:53).

Peer Review Expectations_v2.mp4

Should instructions be verbal or written?

Consider giving both written and verbal instructions. Written instructions should be posted to a salient place(s) in D2L where students can easily return to reference them (e.g., a module for the assignment, the Discussion board or Assignment box where students will submit the work, linked to the syllabus, etc.). Verbal instructions could be given in-class for a face-to-face class, or as a Video Note or VoiceThread in D2L for any type of class.

How do specific instructions support peer review success?

Students should respond to each other's work as readers, not fellow writers. "Readerly" rather than "writerly" emphasizes feedback that "describe[s] your mental experience in trying to read the draft rather that telling the writer how to fix it." (Bean 2011) Narrowing the peer review task to no more than five open-ended, content-driven questions for students to answer about each other's work encourages readerly responses that are useful for revision. Visit these resources for more ideas and guidance on creating readerly peer review prompts.

What should be included in the peer review instructions?

Communicate your expectations about the format of student peer reviews: should students annotate each other’s work or use separate space for feedback like a worksheet? Should they provide verbal feedback or written feedback? Do they need to upload or download anything? Are there any document naming conventions that would help keep it all organized? Instructions should include information on how to contact group members and access the group spaces (e.g., Google Drive, D2L Groups). Provide clear guidelines for timelines and due dates along with guidance on any technology requirements.