
Fungi, an often overlooked group of organisms, are integral to a range of processes including decomposition, nutrient cycling, and plant establishment and succession. Able to live and adapt to a range of conditions, they are increasingly being recognized for their potential in helping us remediate polluted soil and water, increase agricultural production, protect against plant pathogens, and break down plastics. 

My initial love of Fungi is in the context of their long lasting and crucial symbiosis with plants by understanding how Fungi interact with plants and how plants balance and maintain multiple symbiotic associates under changing environmental conditions. Currently, I am working on applying Fungi to help with the plastic problem through mycoremediation at Hiro Technologies in Austin, TX.

I am also passionate about citizen science and open access science. Everyone can do science whether you have learned techniques in school or are just starting out. Some of the best mycologists I know taught themselves how to do everything! I've provided some information and resources on 

in the open access science page. I hope that these resources help you explore amazing Fungi

Feel free to contact me to discuss Fungi, plants, citizen science, or bioremediation. My email is el.ann.bowman at gmail dot com.