Tips for Parents

Parent Information

Reading to and with (both are important!) your child is the single most valuable thing you can do. In doing this, you are increasing your child’s vocabulary and background knowledge, reinforcing skills learned in school, and instilling a love for reading. It is also a great bonding time between a parent and child.

Every night, your child will bring home his/her reading bag. This bag will contain a book that your child read that day in reading group. Please have your child reread this book to you and talk about what the book is mainly about. Your child will also bring home a bookmark indicating the level of text they are working in and strategies they are working on in reading group. Please encourage your child to use this bookmark as a tool to use while they are reading. Occasionally, we will send home optional activities that will reinforce what your child is working on in reading group. It is VERY important that this bag, along with the book, be returned to the reading room every day so that your child can bring home a new book.

Here are some great tips for reading together at home.

Create a Special Reading Area – Find a comfortable, quiet spot for reading with minimal distractions.

  • Collect Books – It is very beneficial to expose your child to various types of literature (books, newspapers, magazines, etc) and difference genres (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, fantasty, etc)

  • Schedule a Daily Reading Time – Following a regular routine is always beneficial for children (and adults)! Sharing books for even a short period of time goes a long way in promoting a love of learning

  • Talk about what you Read – This is a great way to promote comprehension and practice strategies learned at school.

  • Reread Favorite Books – Again, you are encouraging a love of reading. Rereading books also helps improve fluency.

  • Read Books That Last for Days – When reading chapter books, read a chapter or two each night. Your child will be eager to find out what happens next!

Click on the file below for some tips on how you can help your child become a strong reader!
