Learning FROM HOME 2023



My Friend Fred by Frances Watts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7mF8Em7FyU 

Reading: Don't forget to spend 20 minutes each day reading. 


Prep: Read a picture book (or watch the story on this page) with a grown up. Once you have read the story see if you can retell the story from memory. Can you remember to include the beginning, middle and end? 

Then choose some toys at home to reenact the story. Have a few goes at practising retelling your story and then present it to someone special, such as your family, dog or teddy!

Year 1 and 2:  Read a picture book (or watch the story on this page) with a grown up. Draw a picture of one of the characters. Write some words or sentences that describe the character. 

Challenge:  Write down 4 questions you would ask the character if you could meet them in real life.

Year 3 to 6:  Choose a fiction book to read or listen to. Describe the main character (you might like to draw them). Write down 4 questions you would ask them if you could meet them in real life. 

Challenge: Imagine you are interviewing the character. Write your questions and their answers (remember to put yourself in the character's shoes).


Prep - Year 2: 

Year 3 to 6 - Writing to persuade:

Option 1: Write a persuasive text to get your family to play a game of your choice. Make sure you give three reasons why they should play the game with you.

Option 2: Choose one of the topics on the right (or choose your own) and write a text to persuade your audience to agree with your opinion.


Prep - Counting, ordering and comparing:

Year 1 to 3 - Making and describing patterns:

Patterns are a repeating sequence or design. In the repeating pattern examples (below), you can see the pattern of same, same, different

Challenge: Patterns can be labelled using the alphabet. The examples on the right would be labelled A, A, B patterns instead of same, same, different. Label the patterns you made using the alphabet

Year 4 to 6 - Continuing and describing patterns:

The LEGO bricks (below) form a counting pattern, increasing by 4 each time.


 Empathy means putting ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people. 

Visit The Resilience Project Website and choose an activity about empathy to complete at home: https://theresilienceproject.com.au/at-home/everyone/empathy/kids/ 


If you are feeling up to it, complete one of the 'Bain Breaks' below:

Bain Break 25.mp4
Bain Break Series 2 Episode 1.mp4


#1 RAJIO TAISO (radio calisthenics /exercise routine) is a popular activity for all Japanese no matter your age. You will often see people doing their morning exercise at school or in the office or even outside. 

See if you can practice counting as you try each movement in the routine.

Pokemon Rajio Taiso.mp4


Prep - 3: Can you make up a rhyming song using some of the words on the THRASS chart? Practise your song and see if you can teach someone else in your family to sing along with you. You might even be able to come up with some actions that go along with your song. If you need help remembering some words you can look here. 

Year 4 - 6: Create your own funky beats online using Ableton beat maker! Click HERE for all the instructions. Have fun! 


Create your own colour wheel using bits and pieces you have at home! You might like to complete this activity as a whole family and everyone can help find bits and pieces to make a colour wheel.

Look at the example provided and remember the colours and what order they are in. Go for a walk around your house, inside and out and find objects that are the same colour and lay them out in groups to remake the colour wheel. Use whatever you can find. Some colours will be harder to find than others, just do what you can!

Challenge: Can you draw a picture inspired by your colour wheel?