Year 4

Week Beginning: 1st March 2021

Y4 - 01/03/21

Year 4 - will be using Google Classroom to set class work.

Please use your log in details that were given to you.

If you are having problems accessing the classroom click the link to follow the instructions and troubleshooting guide

Dear Parents,

I hope that you and your family are keeping safe. As the Summer term commences I will be adding work to the Google classroom. In order to access this your child needs to log on to Google using their school email address and password. From there they can access the Google Classroom. We have used this within class so the children should be familiar with accessing it. If you have any issues at all with this please do not hesitate to contact me on

When your child has completed an activity they need to press the hand in button and then their work will be sent to me and I can mark it and give feedback. With the maths work in particular, children should spend no more than 40 minutes on each lesson. Please do not worry if your child does not complete the activity fully within this time. Literacy activities will be based either on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar or our topic, Road Trip USA!.

I will also be posting some home learning ideas to support our topic, Road Trip USA!. If you are able to complete a task please send pictures of it to

During this time we are not at school, I am still here to support all of the children, and will be working from home each day. If there is anything your child needs support with please contact me and I will get back to you as quickly as I can.

Mrs Robinson