School Meals

TS Primary National Spring Summer 2022 with sandwiches.docx

School meals cost £2.40

Mrs Drake, our cook, serves excellent meals - there is always a choice from two main meals and two puddings. These are cooked on the premises. Elm Road is a cashless school. All payments can be made online through Parent Pay (see link on our app). All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive the universal free school meal.

Some children bring packed lunches to school and they are usually eaten at the same time as those children who have hot meals. If your child brings a packed lunch to school, please make sure that drinks are not brought in a glass container, a small carton is preferable.

Parents in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit but not entitled to Working Tax Credit may be able to get help with Free School Meals.

Please see Mrs Laws in the office for more information.