Pathways in Technology Early College High School
What is P-Tech?
Our program provides students with a seamless pathway from high school, to post-secondary education, to employment in the welding industry. Students earn a high school diploma and professional credentials, including certifications and licenses, and education credentials, which include educational certificates, diplomas, and degrees. They also engage in work-based education at every grade level, such as internships, apprenticeships, or other forms of job training programs.
We will support students in their attainment of a college education and the specific skills needed by employers in high growth industries.
Students complete high school and college coursework simultaneously while engaging in industry guided workforce development.
Upon graduation, students have the academic and professional skills required to continue their education or enter the workforce in a high demand field.
Videos, Articles, and News Media
Dylan Zamarron is a former Elgin PTech Welder with a great success story. He was chosen as the face of the PTech Program for the Make It Movement project with Austin Community College. We are very proud!
Elgin ISD's P-TECH Welding Program was featured on KVUE-TV! Play the story to learn more about how you can earn a free Associates Degree in Code Welding from Austin Community College at Elgin High School!