Our Program

Established 2018-2019

In 2017, Elgin Independent School District applied for a grant with the state of Texas that would help fund the creation of a P-TECH program. The grant proposal was accepted, and the school began working with Austin Community College, The Texas Workforce Commission, and the Texas Education Agency to open up a welding program for the 2018-2019 school year.

Austin Community College: IHE Partner

Through our partnership with Austin Community College, we have developed a dual credit crosswalk that allows our high school students to earn high school credit, college credit, and industry based certifications. Students that complete the program with 60 college credit hours will earn their Associate Degree in Applied Science before graduating with their high school diploma.

Athena Manufacturing: Industry Partner

The most important part of a P-TECH program is the industry partner. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Athena Manufacturing based in Austin, Texas. They are a family owned and operated company that started in 2000. Athena is able to offer our students industry based expertise, guidance, facility access, and internship opportunities. Upon completing the program, Athena Manufacturing has also guaranteed Elgin P-TECH students an interview as they hope to build a pipeline for future employment.