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Our research

Our vision is to put UK manufacturing at the forefront of the electrification revolution.

The hub will address key manufacturing challenges in the production of high integrity and high value electrical machines for the aerospace, energy, high value automotive and premium consumer sectors. It brings together complementary expertise from world-leading groups in electrical machines and manufacturing.

University of Sheffield’s Electrical Machines and Drives Group has a long track record of research in electrical machines and drives. The group hosts five industry funded research centres, including a Rolls Royce UTC in Advanced Electrical Machines, the Sheffield-Siemens Wind Power Centre and Romax Technology Centre.

The Department of Automatic Systems and Control Engineering is the only UK department devoted to control and systems engineering with a track record across digital manufacturing, autonomous manufacturing and control and optimisation of manufacturing processes.

AMRC is a £225 million state-of-the-art manufacturing research facility with around 600 researchers and engineers and a track record of world-leading research across machining, light-weighting, automated assembly and digital manufacturing.

Newcastle University’s Electrical Power Research Group hosts the APC spoke in electrical machines, coordinates an ATI/EPSRC activity on Advanced Systems for Hybrid Propulsion and hosts a number of industry research centres with embedded staff including Höganäs and Dyson.

AFRC is a collaborative venture between the University of Strathclyde, Scottish Enterprise, the UK government and leading multinational engineering firms. The £80 million facility focuses on developing forming and forging technologies to support the development of high integrity components.