FEMM Hub Logo

Opportunities to get involved

Learn how you can get involved with the Hub and its projects.

Funding opportunities

We have previously held two rounds of feasibility funding and will update this page with any other opportunities in the future.

First Feasiblity Call

Second Feasiblity Call


Any opportunities will be posted on our News page and on our hub partners recruitment pages:

University of Sheffield

Newcastle University

University of Strathclyde


New studentship opportunities will be listed here as they become available.

Become a FEMM hub partner

We are looking for new partners who can help us work towards our vision of putting UK manufacturing at the forefront of the electrification revolution. We are interested in the full spectrum of industry partners from large OEMs though to SMEs in the supply chain. 

Our starting group of partners have helped shape the current research programme. They are

For more information contact FEMM Hub Manager Laura (l.okeefe@sheffield.ac.uk).