MML Programme  

Get ready to connect in to your Cisco WebEx training session

3 steps to get started

Help is on hand

At any point, you can contact our support team and request help. Send an email to  . Support is free to use. You can ask for a call back if you would prefer to speak to someone on the phone. 

Get ready - video

Get ready for your training by reading through our guides and watching the videos two weeks before your training event (or as early as you can).

Don't forget to ask for help if you get stuck:

Get ready - guides

Now you've watched the video, you can read or print these guides that complement the video and remind you of the key points.

Read our downloadable and printable guide for parents and carers here:

Read our downloadable and printable guide for school staff here: 

Are you joining a training session from inside a school. Your Headteacher and IT technicians should read this guidance about WebEx well in advance of the training event. 

Connect in - video

You have your computer or tablet ready - you've checked your internet will work, it's time to connect in to your training event. This is information you need on the day.

Don't forget to ask for help if you get stuck:

Connect in - guide

Now you've watched the video, you can read or print this guide that complements the video and reminds you of the key points.