Notts - Cohort 2

Nottinghamshire cohort

Training dates 2024 -2025

We will soon be updating this information for our new 24-25 cohort.

Being in Nottinghamshire cohort 2 means that you are supporting a young person who is being funded by the Nottinghamshire Virtual school and this is their first year on the MML programme.

It's really important that you attend the training events. Please add them to your diary and tell us straight away if  you cannot attend an event that we have planned for later in the year.

All events are full day events. 

Most sessions start at 10 am and finish by 2:30 pm

Read joining instructions email for exact start and finish times.

Hub 1

Get to know your cohort. 

Find out more about our plans for the year and our theme. You'll also be provided with more resources.

Hub 2

Share what's worked.

In Hub 2 you will receive more ideas and resources. It's also your chance to share what is working well and how you have used the resources.

Remember to bring a mobile phone to allow us to register the iPad.

Celebration event

Celebrate achievement.

The 3rd session is our big Celebration Event. This is a really high profile event - the highlight of the MML project. Students, parents, carers and staff from school are invited to show off and share their work.

Location to be confirmed

Date to be confirmed.