MML Programme  

Introducing the 2023 - 2024 MML programme

A warm welcome if you have worked with us in previous years or you are discovering our MML programme for the first time.

Are you new to MML?

You may have heard of the Multimodal Literacy programme (MML) before, perhaps your school has taken part in previous years, or you may be completely new and have only just heard about MML.

Whatever your previous knowledge may be - whether you are a carer, parent, teacher or TA - we welcome you to our programme now in it's 16th year.

This programme is all about improving literacy for our young people and doing that in a way that values their gifts and talents, interests and passions.

Our programme is inclusive and values everyones own knowledge and abilities - both the students and adults. This means that we are confident that you will learn something new, build new relationships between home and school and strengthen existing ones.

Scroll below to find your cohort - click on the cohort name to find further resources and support materials for your cohort.

If you are unsure of the cohort you belong to, you can ask us.

Ask for help

If you have technical question about using WebEx or about your iPad, please ask our friendly team by dropping them an email:

If you are in Nottinghamshire you can ask Claire Page for support.

If you are in Derbyshire, Debbie Lowe is on hand to help you.

How to use this website

The MML programme runs in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. You will join a cohort. 

A cohort is a group of teachers, parents and young people from lots of different schools.

Cohort 2 is the cohort name we use for all our new starters. If you are new to MML this year. You will be in Cohort 2.

If you have worked with the MML programme in previous years, you will be in Cohort 1.

If you are unsure of which cohort you belong to, don't worry, we can help.

Scroll below to find your group and view training dates and resources. 

We add more and more throughout the year.

Information for all cohorts and counties

How to make the most of your Kodak camera 

Survey links are within each of the dedicated cohort pages below.

Information for your cohort

Veteran cohort: Derbyshire - Cohort 1

New starters: Derbyshire - Cohort 2

Veteran cohort:  Notts - Cohort 1

Visit the webpage for your cohort.

New starters: Notts - Cohort 2

Visit the webpage for your cohort.

Nottinghamshire - Secondary cohort

Visit webpage for this cohort