We are back for the Spring 2021 half term to being you MML Hub sessions once again.

Please contact the Nottinghamshire Virtual school for more information about this initiative.


I promise to abide by the safety rules when working in the MML Hub

Be ready, be kind, be positive!

You can view the timetable and planning for MML Hub - click the link below to open a new tab with the documents displayed in a folder.

A: What is the MML Hub?

MML Hub is a brand new way to continue learning with our Multimodal Literacy programme. Instead of face to face learning - sessions are delivered by video conferencing on our secure platform. Craig and Petula lead these sessions.

If you would like to find out more about the programme and eligibility, please make contact with Sue Denholm from the Virtual School team.

B: Steps to get started with MML Hub

1. Register your interest by 15th January 2020 by replying to your email invitation.

2. Confirm that you agree to the Using MML School Hub safely document and Resources You Will Need document by replying to the email. Don't forget to complete your survey too!

3. Set up your iPad using the videos below in section G

4. Keep an eye out for our emails with the timetable and dates and times we will be providing lessons.

C: Meet the team

Sue Denholm

Assistant Head of the Virtual School

The virtual school is the statutory function of the local authority to promote the education of looked after and previously looked after children. Sue leads the virtual school team and supports the MML Hub and the wider MML project.

Dace Birzgalis-Liegis

Business Support Admin

Dace supports the team and the families and schools that are part of MML Hub.

Dr Petula Bhojwani

PhD Doctor of Philosophy, MA in Children’s Literature, BEd (Hons) English

Petula specialises in English teaching and has a research background in multimodal literacy and closing the educational gaps for boys and vulnerable children.

Craig Wilkie

Advisory teacher

BA Education QTS (Hons)

Craig is a qualified teacher and will be leading the sessions.

Craig leads on the learning technologies that make MML Hub possible.

Celia Wilkie

Primary Teacher

David Jackson

IT support specialist

D: What resources do I need to take part?

Please review this document.

E: Who can I ask for help?

If you need to ask for help about IT matters, connecting the iPad to your wireless or allowing the use of an app, you can attend our early sessions in 'the lobby'. These sessions are just for adults and are there to help you with any techy questions or worries. If you need help at other times, we have a fully staffed IT helpdesk. To ask for help, just send an email to and one of the team will be in touch.

F: What are the esafety rules?

Please review this document.

G: Training videos

Before you you have...

  1. A place where your child will not observe you putting in the codes and setting up the iPad. Do not share the codes or this setup with the child.

  2. An iPad held in landscape mode (if you do not have a MML provided iPad, please let us know.)

  3. The codes for your iPad (we gave them to you on the slip of paper on the iPad hand out day) (if you do not have a MML provided iPad, please let us know.)

It's a good idea if...

  1. You watch the videos on one device (like your own phone or another laptop or tablet) so you can watch and follow on the iPad at the same time. This website address is

  2. If you have someone else to work with you, it can sometimes help - 2 sets of eyes are better than one!

Video 1 - MML Hub - allowing access to the app store

Tip: Don't forget to have your passcodes to hand.

Video 2 - MML Hub - Adding the apps you need to take part

Tip: All of these apps are FREE to download. The apps are Webex meetings, Google Calendar and Google Drive.

Video 3 - MML Hub - The apps you will need

Tip: Don't worry about signing into Google Calendar and Google Drive. We will provide you with an email address and password to get access to the content in these apps.

Video 4 -MML Hub - allow changes to microphone

Step 5 - MML Hub - getting your video conference code for the lesson

We will email you the link to join the lesson and password each week. If you don't receive this, please ask our technical support team or email Dace.

Video 6 - MML Hub - getting into your video conference lesson

Tip: If you have accepted access to microphone and camera and these still don't seem to work, close down the app (double click home button then swipe app up to close it). Now open the Webex Meetings app again and things should be working.

Video 7 - MML Hub - Settings changes

Tip: Now add all the restrictions back to your iPad to make it safe again.

Video 8 - Limiting access to MML Hub apps

Tip: This is an optional step that doubles the security on your iPad by limiting access to these apps.

H: Help with technology

It's ok to ask David or the rest of our team for help with your iPad, setting things up and using these apps. Please email: and one of the IT support team will be in touch. This service is provided free for you to use.

I: Frequently asked questions

I have a technical issue - who can help me?

It's ok to ask David or the rest of our team for help with your iPad, setting things up and using these apps. Please email: and one of the IT support team will be in touch. This service is provided free for you to use.

I am unsure if I am eligible to join this programme

If you have been sent an invitation by email, then you are eligible for this support.