Educator CertificatioN Program

ReThink the role of an educator. ReThink classroom instruction. ReThink assessments and its purpose. ReThink your lessons

ReThink Education.

Educator Certification Program is a 3 month long blended certification program for aspiring and existing educators. 

Through 3 months, participants will learn essential skills and build knowledge and mindset required to rethink education. This learning experience will equip you to be classroom ready and deliver excellent learning experiences to ALL your students!

Cohort-IV begins in July 2024 (tentative)

🗒️ Interested in joining the program? Fill up the interest form.

Meet the Faculty

Ms. Avni Vij

Manager, Professional Development Institute at Ekya schools.

Ms Avni has been in the Education Sector for eight years. She started as a teacher and have facilitated numerous sessions for various audiences in her capacity as a curriculum designer and professional development manager. 

To know more about the facilitator, click here.

Our Program Mentors 🎓

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