This is the Way

This is the Way

A reflection on the Mandalorian

Recently I posted a photo that had the Mandalorian from the Disney series Mandalorian pointing to the child Christ in the manger saying this is the way which any Mandalorian fan would understand as a reference from the show. I would like to explore further the Christian reference within the series however as a disclaimer I need to state that in no way do I know the intention of the writers of the series but I merely find it fun and entertaining and also good for my faith development, to define and explore Christian themes within the media that I watch.

First off the Mandalorian was raised from a child in the Mandalorian way and code. He takes this code very seriously from making sure that other people do not have the Mandalorian armour to making sure that he delivers the child Grogu to his kind. As parents we are tasked at our child's baptism to raise our child in the faith actually earlier than that, we are tasked when we are married. I think the first thing that came to my mind was the importance of raising our children in the faith at a young age. We need to teach them the "code" of Catholicism and impress it's importance on them. We must teach the faith and virtue at early age. This is a very very serious task that we are given by the church.

As Christians we are also tasked to evangelize all nations not just our children! As brothers and sisters of Christ we are tasked to forgive, love and give of ourselves without expecting anything in return. How seriously do we take these tasks? I see the Mandalorian as a model. I should wear the armour of my faith proudly and be unapologetic about the "code" of my faith! I should be willing to give up anything and go to all the ends of the earth for my Lord. This is the way!

The Mandalorian's mission was to deliver the child to his kind. The Mandalorian has proved that he will do this no matter what trials he has to go through. Spoiler alert: From the destruction of his ship to his life consistently being put in danger he will deliver the child. Should we not stop at nothing to deliver the message of Christ to the world? I believe that it is not just a loyalty to his code but a love that he now has for this child. It made me realize that I need to fall in love with Christ deeper to be able to stand up to all the tests that this life has to bring me during my evangelization mission. Loyalty to ones religion can only get you so far.

How many times have I not spoken up when someone has said something against my Lord? How many times did I take the easy way out instead of speaking the truth of the Gospel? If I truly loved my Lord I would have chosen the persecuted route every time; I would've died for my Lord and for the mission he has given me. THIS is the Way!