Drama 9

Drama 9 introduces students to the art of acting and performance. Students are engaged in a fun,  active, practical course that allows the opportunity to delve into a variety of theatre based activities including theatre games, movement projects, and group acting projects. Drama 9 focuses on building the theatre student’s confidence while encouraging growth and skill development in the new actor. The Drama 9 classroom is a supportive, collaborative environment where all are welcomed and encouraged to strive for excellence in theatre. 

Drama 10

Drama 10 is intended as an entry level acting class in which students receive an opportunity to explore interests in performing.  No previous experience is necessary and emphasis is placed on developing the student's comfort level and confidence on stage.  Areas of focus include movement, character development, actor discipline and control, improvisational theatre, monologue and scene study. 

Drama 20

Drama 20 builds on skills and concepts learned in Drama 10 by placing emphasis on character development and commitment to role, voice control and extension of character movement.  Student actors will be expected to develop advanced vocal and movement skills, to be used in the major project for this course - preparation of a theatrical piece (typically, performance of a one-act play in ABJ Theatre's One-Act Series) for public performance.

Due to the increased level of skill, commitment and discipline required for success in Drama 20, a minimum grade of 70% in Drama 10 is required for entrance and the recommendation of the Drama teacher is advised.

Drama 30

Drama 30 is the third and culminating course in the high school acting performance series.  It provides students with the opportunity to polish acting skills and techniques. As well, it may provide exploration in new areas such as directing, choreography and stage management.  The major focus of the Drama 30 course at ABJ is preparation of one of the 2 full scale productions included in the ABJ Theatre Main Stage Series at Festival Place.  Drama 30 is a highly intensified course that places high demands on the student actor. 

Due to the demands of this course a minimum grade of 75% in Drama 20 and/or instructor's approval is required for entrance.