Week 9 & 10
Week 9
DAY 38 Lessons (5)
W, X, and ; keys
Q, Y, and P keys
Z, and Enter keys
DAY 39 - 40
CS First Coding
Game Design
Platform Game
Students did on their own and could work with a partner
Addons to do:
Time to Celebrate
Do two of these three on your own:
Moving Platforms
Shrinking Platforms
Splash! You Lose
DAY 41 - 42
CS First Coding
Game Design
Escape Game
Students did on their own and could work with a partner
Addons to do:
All of them
Week 10
DAY 43 Lessons (6)
Beginner Wrap-up
Shift and Capitalization
Basic Punctuation
DAY 44 - 45
Wednesday = Professional Development DayIntroduce Paper Roller Coaster
Plan Design
Cut out and make coaster parts
Begin Assembling the Coaster
DAY 46 - 47
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER - 7th Grade Field TripClass Wrap-up
Make-up work
Typing Make-up Work
CS First Make-up Work
Finish/Clean up Paper Coasters
Discuss Paper Coasters Typing Tests
All 3 typing tests
1 minute
3 minute
5 minute
CS First Coding
Create your own Google logo
Must do:
Change Color
Switch Costume
Add Backdrop
Say Something
And at least 2 others of your choice.