Library Rules

Here at the COHS library we want you to visit often! We have taken great care in providing a space that is welcoming and comfortable for students. Our staff go to great strides to make it an environment that students feel they can relax and have a much needed mental break during their lunchtime or before and after school. In order to provide a safe, relaxing, and quiet space for students to read, work, or utilize computers we have rules that must be followed by all students.


Behaviors we expect from STUDENTS in our library....

  • Food and drink - No food or liquids, other than clear water, are allowed. You may leave food items at the front desk if needed.

  • Electronic devices - According to school policies, the use of cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed.

  • Noise level - Small groups talking softly are acceptable. Groups are limited to the two-chair-per-table guideline. Appropriate noise level shall be determined by library staff.

  • Physical behavior – Quiet behaviors that promote an academic environment are expected at ALL times in the library to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning.

  • Violations – Violations of any and/or all of the above will result in a student being asked to leave the library for the remainder of that day. A repeat offense will result in loss of additional library privileges or administrative consequences.

  • PAWS Thursdays-You need a pass from us to come to the library to study or read during PAWS on Thursday mornings. This is not a time to sit around and socialize.