Eastern Greene High School

Bloomfield, IN

Mrs. Finn

Junior English

Juniors at EGHS have two options to fulfill their grade 11 English requirements.

The first option is American Literature. In this course students will learn about the different periods in American literature as they learn to read more closely and write more critically.

The second option is AP Language and composition. In this course students will be reading and writing at a college level. Students are required to take the AP exam in May, and if they pass the exam, they will receive college credit for the course. Different colleges apply the credit in different ways, so the individual credit may vary. Students must qualify for this course based on test scores and GPA.

Extra Curricular Activities

In addition to teaching the junior English courses here at EGHS, I am also in charge of several extra curricular clubs and events. Please use the navigation pane to the left to learn about those.