
These are live eagle cams, so anything can happen, but what we hope is some egg laying and hatching soon!  Check it out.....

Where are the cams?

where are the eagles?

Pros:  Good video quality, sound, cam operators, can rewind 24 hours, chat, FB clips.    Cons:  No clock on video, far away so not exactly how eagles closer to NY live.  (Eat more game instead of fish, corn stalks on the nest, things like that-not a real con, just different.  :-) 

2023 Stats

 Eggs laid:  2/25  &  2/28

One successful hatch:  4/6

2022  Stats

Eggs laid:  2/16 & 2/19                      Eggs hatched:  3/25 & 3/27

2021:  2 eaglets at Decorah North

2024:    2/15  3:12pm...we had been checking in all day and thought it looked like it might happen!  Egg # 2 on 2/18.  

Pip Watch!  3/23  (The pip is the first crack in the egg.)

New nest for us 2024.  Pros:  Good cam quality, sound, highlights.  Cons:  No rewind, frequent cam buffering.

Lisa & Oliver are the Mom and Dad of the Nest.

2024:  3 eggs:  2/8, 2/11 & Watched the nest during the day on 2/12 and checked in am of 2/13, snow and an egg!

Pip Watch!  3/16  (The pip is the first crack in the egg.)

2023:  1 egg  2/7 3:51pm;    Egg 2 2/11/24 1:17pm;    Egg 3 2/14 1:55pm

Pros: Eggs, cool look a different part of the country!   Good camera quality,  sound, can rewind, very talkative pair.  

Cons:  Latest egg laying history not so good-weather makes successful hatch and fledge a challenge.

Jackie & Shadow are the Mom and Dad on this nest.

New nest to us this year!  3 eggs laid:   1/25, 1/28 and 2/1!  Very big snow storm post egg laying.

Pros: This nest has always produced eggs, but the nest fell over the summer and it sounds like new eagles have rebuilt, so we will see what happens in 2024!    Pros:  Eggs, can rewind.  Cons:  No sound or zoom on this nest, pic quality so-so.

2024:  Nest fell in storm over the summer, but 2 new eagles rebuilt in the same tree!

2 eggs, 1/22 & 1/25

2023:  2 eggs     1/20 &     1/23

Successful Hatch!   2/27   &   2/28

2022:  2 eggs   1/17/22  & 1/20/22

One successful hatch this year 2/24/22

(video link here, slide show to right)

All About Eagles

Eagles at DPS!

Thanks Mr. Cramer!!!!

Eagles at DPS from Mr. Cramer!

National Aroboretum Nest, Washington, DC

***2023 Update:

This camera no longer sees the eagles as much as they have decided to build a new nest.   The AEF is unable to mount cameras in this new area.

1/7/22  No eggs yet, but fingers crossed

-No eggs for the last 3 years here.


Egg # 1 2/17/22                  Egg #2:  2/20/22

One successful hatch this year,

DC #9 Hatched 3/28/22 at 11:31pm

2022 DC Highlights

DC 9 Hatches

Egg #1:  2/17/22

Egg # 2:   2/20/22


February 28, 2020

Nestorations with Mr. President

Learn more about each year at the DC eagle nest.

DC Eagle Background

Check out the exciting happenings from this nest in previous years.  (Can a man stand in an eagle's nest?   Watch and see!)

Duke Highlights 2021

The Votes Are In!

Welcome to our Duke Farms Eaglets:

Flower and Rosie!

2021 Duke Farms Eaglets

Duke Farms Eagle Highlights and Commentating! 2021

Be sure to check in regularly to watch the eaglets grow and listen to our school friends eagle commentary!  The commentary can also be found on the next page:  Become an Eagle Commentator.

eagle song

Mr. Tario,  

Mrs. DeJohn, 

& Mrs. LaHera

are  Bird & Eagle Fans Too.

Check out the pics!

Make your predictions   for the             Washington DC and Duke Farms 2022 egg laying season!

You can print out the pages and make your predictions at home, 

or email oconnorma@egcsd.org and I'll put them in for you!

Copy of duke farms eagles, no highlight