Become an Eagle Commentator

Have some fun and tell us what you think the eagles are saying and thinking with a comic or commentating video-check out the stars below.

Commentary Videos from

New Jersey Duke Farms Nest 2021

3/3/21 Eagle Commentating with Tyler and Jaiden (1 & 5 days old!)

Jaiden and Tyler

3/3/21 Eaglets 5 and 1 day old.

Can you tell what they are eating?


3/5/21 Eaglets 10 & 6 days old

Eagle Commentating with Jaydrian 3/5/21
Trenton and Jaydrian Eagle Commentate 3.12.21

Jaydrian and Trenton

3/12/21 Eaglets 14 & 10 days old

Commentary Videos from

Iowa Decorah Nest 2020

Eagle Commentating with Trinity and Sylar

Mrs. O'Connor's 4/9 Breakfast Cartoon

How do I become an Eagle Commentator?

1-Email me and we'll set up a time to Google Meet and record.

2-Have someone video you while you commentate as you watch the nest. Send me the video and I will post it here.

Our Decorah, Iowa nest had 3 eggs in 2020.

Two hatched on Sunday, April 5th and the baby on April 8th.

Votes are in! Lucky, Leapy and Laughy are the names.

DC34: Laid: 2/26/20

Hatched: 4/5/20 9:45 am Name: Lucky

DC35: Laid: 2/29/20

Hatched: 4/5/20 4:07 pm Name: Leapy

DC36: Laid: 3/4/20

Hatched: 4/8/20 6:50pm Name: Laughy

How fast they grow! Check out the growth on Lucky, Leapy and Laughy!

Decorah Eaglet Growth