Syllabus & Classroom Policies

GWalker Syllabus 2021-2022
  • Parents & students are required to turn in a signed copy of the syllabus when joining my class.

  • The signed Syllabus must be turned in at the end of the first week of class.

  • If you are new to my class or have a schedule change you can find a copy of the syllabus by the door of my classroom or you can print a copy from this site.

Be Respectful! Be Responsible! Be Ready! Be your Best!

¡Se respetuoso, se responsable, estar listo y haz lo mejor posible!

Following these expectations will make sure that we have a classroom environment conducive to student learning and success.

Be respectful:

Expectations that fall under these guidelines include:

    1. Respectful and kind speech towards classmates and staff. No profanity.

    2. Arriving to class on time each day: in the assigned seat by the bell.

    3. No food or drinks inside the class (water is ok) unless otherwise stated by the teacher.

    4. No use of electronic devices (unless otherwise stated by the teacher) and no personal grooming during class.

    5. Use Spanish in the classroom as much as possible!

Be responsible:

    • Students are responsible for their own work.

    • No plagiarism

    • All sources should be cited. (MLA style)

    • All materials used, sources and/or researched documentation should be noted appropriately.

Be ready:

Each day, I expect students to arrive ready with the required materials:

    • Pencils, colored pencil, sharpener, eraser

    • Ballpoint pens (2 red and 2 blue or black)

    • Lined paper

    • 3-ring binder and 5 dividers

    • Textbook

    • I recommend colored pencils and 4 highlighters of different colors.

Each minute of class counts so students are expected to be on-task and participating at all times.

Use of electronics/ Phones:

    • Phones should be in the backpacks at all times unless specified by the teacher.

    • Students will be using their phones and Chromebooks in the classroom for games, research, and other activities. Students will be told when those activities will take place.

    • Students are not allowed to text or make personal phone calls during class time.

    • Students are not allowed to upload classroom pictures or use social media unless previously discussed with the teacher other than for classwork purposes.