Magazines & Newspapers

The New York Times Upfront

The New York Times Upfront is a magazine for high school students about today's important issues and news stories. Currently the January 6th issue titled, "The Race for the White House" is available for free. Click here for direct access to stories from that issue.


Access to instantly read HERE

Newsela is a website compiling news from multiple trusted and authenticated content in a way that's "classroom-ready."

Teachers, Newsela is offering immediate and full access to all products through the end of the school year if you sign in/up through THIS LINK.

Teen Tribune

The Teen Tribune is a free online educational service offered by the Smithsonian for use by K-12 grade Teachers and students. TTribune consists of daily news sites for kids, tweens, and teens, and includes text, photos, graphics, and audio and/or video materials prepared by the Smithsonian and others about current events, history, art, culture and science.

Username: ponderosaPassword: bruins

The Sacramento Bee Access

Students and teachers have access to the Sacramento Bee through this link and a username as password.

Make sure to stay on the student login page! Do NOT go to the teacher login page, even if you are a teacher!

Login: eldoradoPassword: cougar

Students and teachers have access to the San Francisco Chronicle through this link and a username as password.

Make sure to stay on the student login page! Do NOT go to the teacher login page, even if you are a teacher!