
Audible Stories

Audible is the world's most popular audiobook platform. Students can access FREE content through these Audible Stories. Audible Stories are "hand-picked by our Audible editors and offer a mix of education, entertainment, and general-interest titles, from the classic to the contemporary, with a focus on stories that are suitable for children. The collection includes favorites like Winnie the Pooh, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Aladdin, Jane Eyre and The Call of the Wild. "

Simply download the FREE Audible app for your phone through the App Store or Google Play Store and start listening today!

Sync - Audiobooks for Teens

Sync is a free summer audiobook program for teens 13+. Each week, Sync gives participants two thematically paired audiobooks a week.

Sync returns on April 30th and runs through July 29th. Each title is available to download for ONE WEEK ONLY, but once borrowed, it will be available indefinitely within the Sora app.

Participants will need to download the Sora app on their phone through the App Store or Google Play Store to start listening and access the Sync website for the download.

Spotify Audiobooks

Did you know you can access audiobooks on Spotify for free? It's true! While their collection is not huge, there are some great titles for young adults on there.

It is recommended to listed to these books on a computer as opposed to your phone. The reason for this is because the free version of the phone app only allows you to shuffle the audiobook tracks, rather than listening to them in order. (Premium users can listen in order)

See THIS spreadsheet for all the audiobooks on Spotify and links to listen directly on your computer.


AudioBookCloud allows anyone to stream audio books from their computer with no waiting. Multiple people can stream at the same time. It has a few different categories to choose from, including YA, Classics, Fiction, and Spanish.