Second meeting in Latvia

Project days in Zakumuiza Pamatskola, Zakumuiza 24.3.-30.3.2019

To travel is tiring. And the way from La Pobla de Segur to the airport in Barcelona is long.

Leaving for the flight. A bit nervous..?

Finally safely in Latvia

Monday 25.3.2019

The First day at Zakumuiza school.

The first day we presented ourselves to the others and learned about the Zakumuiza Pamatskola.

Warmly welcome #I learn ergo I am-project friends!!

The Finnish team is introducing themselves.

Turkish team :) has their turn.

Here we have the Spanish team !!

Games for getting to know each other.

On Monday we played some "get to know each other"-games and went to the school gym. There we played basketball, football and other games. Everybody got to choose what they wanted to play. At the end of the lesson there was football for all who wanted to play. Over all it was a lot of fun, at least in my opinion.

Oliver Heikkilä, 7th grade, Finland

A small gift from Finland :D

Teachers enjoying their project time together in the teachers´room.

Taking a look around in school and outside.

Tuesday 26.3.2019

Tuesday started in school. In the afternoon there were some visits in Riga, the capital city of Latvia.

On Tuesday first lesson was English.

After that we went to the school gym and started to play. Everyone had to choose do they want to play basketball or football. I went to the football side and we played there to the end of the lesson. I hurt my knee in the game but otherwise it was great. Everone had fun all the time!

Oliver Heikkilä, 7th grade, Finland

In the afternoon there was a visit to the Riga Library which is the national library of Latvia, Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka. The building itself was a gem in modern architecture and the scenery from the top floor was so beautiful! We also heard a lot about literature and its origin in Latvia.

Here are the Latvian hosts <3

Spanish team together

Turkish at the library.

Group foto of the Finns.

Kids section at the library.

Library has a lot of windows and nice view to Riga.

Riga motor museum

On tuesday we went to the Riga motor museum. The bus ride wasn’t that long but it was really warm in the bus. The museum was pretty cool and interesting There was a lot of cool cars, but my favorites were the old Soviet era cars.

Aarne Suominen, 7e, Finland

Wednesday 27.3.2019

Cipsi factory

The factory name is Adazu Cipsi Factory. The factory produces chips. The factory has about 600 tons of potatoes. First we put virtual glasses on the head and saw the video from the cipsi factory. Then we went to the kitchen to make our own chips. And then we saw factory through the window.

Diana Sirak, 8th grade, Finland

Creating own chips bags.

Visiting the potato storage.

Delicious chips by Ayvaz, Erola and Önder. Everyone got to choose their favourite flavourings.

Wednesday 27.3.2019 Riga state technical college

When we arrived we were shown a slideshow about the school. It was pretty interesting. After that we went on a tour where a teacher showed us the schools printing equipment. After the tour we had a workshop with another teacher. We used a computer program to design a disks with another initials on them. We were going to cut them out but we didn’t time. Before we left i bought a coffee from the coffee machine that was in the lobby.

Aarne Suominen, 7e, Finland

At first we heard an overall presentation about their school system in the technical college.

Mechanical engineering tools.

The teachers got the chance of trying some silk printing. The end product was a colourful, nice fabric shopping bag with Erasmus-logo on it.

Thursday 28.5.2019

This day we worked at school with the portfolio workshop. We designed coffee cups.

They are really working hard ;)

The cup is a special memento of our time together. In the afternoon everyone wrote down their strengths to keep inside the cup.

In the afternoon we visited a company called "YES WE CAN!" in Zakumuiza.

A presentation about their products.

All ears :)

This local company produces exhibition stands (e.g. for worldwide expos), stages and all kinds of interior designs.

We can, too!

Friday 29.4.2019

Here students had to think about their skills and competences. They are writing a letter about what their life will be like in 10 years time.

Some ideas from teachers were sometimes useful to get it all done... :)

Some examples of the strengths that were placed inside the cups.

A workshop about the future and strengths&skills by Lauma Zubule.

The assignment was to create a tower as tall as possible, using only spaghetti, marshmallow and some tape.

Practicing Kendama.

Kendama championship

Kendama is a popular toy in Latvia. That’s why there was Kendama championship. The toy had to do some great tricks. and if you don’t get trick, dropped out of the game. But there were 3 or 5 new the possibility. Best got 1 place, second best got 2 place and the third got 3 place. It was nice kendama competition, everyone had fun.

Sawera Auvinen, 8th grade, Finland

Everyone had a chance to dance Latvian folk dances :D

Farewell party with dancing group Oglite

There was Latvian old-fashioned music, what the students played with teacher. The students dance to Latvian culture dance to the pace of music. They pulled the students to dance. There were some music-like games that we played. Musical instruments what was there at least was 2 violins and kantele. It was fun!

Sawera Auvinen, 8th grade, Finland

And finally it´s time to go home.