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This is a project blog of an Erasmus+ project between Finland, Latvia, Spain and Turkey

Erasmus + project

Kirkkojärven koulu, Finland

Ropažu novada vidusskola, Latvia

INS La Pobla de Segur, Spain

Üçgüllük Secondary School, Turkey

The project - # I learn ergo I am- is a two year transnational project that focuses on tackling early school leaving and lack of motivation in learning.

Education nowadays faces a lot of challenges due to changing paradigms; researchers say that more than 40% of the future jobs are unknown. Many old professions are disappearing and many new ones coming up, e.g. many jobs will be done by robots in the future. We more and more talk about changing circumstances and unknown future and requirements for our children. How can a traditional school help the students to prepare for the future? What are the skills and core competences our students will need in the future?

We would like our students to find their own strengths and skills instead of concentrating on their weaknesses.

In this project students will not only get to know their own strengths and skills but they also learn about different jobs and professions and what kind of skills and competences will be needed in those jobs and working life in the future.

We believe that succesful implementation of the project will be achieved by using the Portfolio as a learning tool.