First meeting in Finland

Kirkkojärven koulu, Espoo

Project days in Kirkkojärven koulu, Espoo



#I learn ergo I am - project group!

Our Instagram-account #I_learn_ergo_I_am started!

Monday 1.10 2018

The first day at school

Welcome party

Turkish, Latvian and Spanish teams presenting themselves to the graders.

In the welcome party the first graders performed for the guests by singing and dancing a song "Matkustan ympäri maailmaa"

(I travel over the world)

8th graders sang a beautiful melody and our headmaster welcomed the guests.

Also one of our teachers sang a song of a famous Finnish band Nightwish accompaning a colleague.

Later in the afternoon...

Get to know each other games

On Monday

We played some get to know each other games. We started out with introducing ourselves to everyone. Everyone told their names and the countries that they are from. My favorite game was a game where everyone sat in a circle and one person was in the middle. Then the person in the middle says a fact like “i like ice cream” and then all the people who like ice cream switch places. After the games we had traditional Finnish “pulla” (bun) and some juice. I think everyone had fun!

Venny Ervasti 8F

While students were getting to know each others the teachers visited for instance chemistry and home economic lessons.

Tuesday 2.10.

Lessons and Reindeer Park

First we had lessons in school but then in the afternoon we visited the Reindeer park in Nuuksio, Espoo.

What an experience! We also got some warm juice and Finnish pulla again :D

Wednesday 3.10

Omnia and Heureka

In the morgning we visited Omnia the vocational school next to Kirkkojärven koulu and had also a workshop there concerning topics: my skills and my dreams.

In the afternoon we jumped into a bus and drove to Heureka, a sience center in Helsinki.

Thursday 4.10.

The Aalto University


Students measuring steps for the app.

We visited the Junior Sience Club at the Aalto university in Otaniemi, Espoo.

Students were taught to create an app to their mobiles! Interesting!

Later in the afternoon the bus took us to a sightseeing tour around Helsinki.

We saw from the bus the center of Helsinki and its important buildings like the Finlandia House, National Museum, Parliament House, Music Center, Kiasma-the Contmporary museum of Art, Presidental Palace and the Senate Square. At the Senate Square we dropped out of the bus, took a group photo (see above) and had a short visit in the church before driving to the Sibelius Monument.

After the interesting sightseeing tour we had a dinner in Sello shopping mall in Espoo.

Friday 5.10

At school and in the Youth Center

Students had to do some serious working on the first page of the portfolio.

The hosts and guests worked together reading articles of the future working life and creating questions from the texts.

After giving feedback the students had a rest before going to the youth center for the farewell party.

Farewell party

On friday after school every guest student and host student went to a farewell party. The party was in Kirkkojärvi youth center house and there was good music and food. We played games and we had competitions. Everybody had a great week in Finland and the party was a good ending for the week.The best thing was the warm feeling and friendship.

Mariam Rafle, 8c

While students were having their party teachers visited Haltia, a nature center in Nuuksio.

A beautiful view from the tower.

Teachers also had their Farewell dinner in Haltia and later in the evening they enjoyed sauna by the Pitkäjärvi-lake.

Turkish teachers waving through the window :)

Time to say goodbye..

So the week is behind and it´s time for our guests to return home :(


We will miss you!

Hope to see you soon again!

Being a host for a week.

My experience as a host was a good one, me and the student staying at my house got along really well, we were pretty similar as both of us like to draw and a big advantage for me was that she and I both speak English really well.

Before the student even arrived to Finland we spoke throught whatsapp. First we just texted each other but than we spoke in calls and video chat.

On Monday and Tuesday we had classes and it was hard to get her something to do since the classes were in finnish and during my Swedish test i felt bad because she had nothing to do while I had the test.

The rest of the week she didn’t have to be so bored because we had no classes. Everyday we would walk to school and after school we would walk home. I was worried that she wasn’t having a good time in Finland because we didn’t do much but we did go swimming and we went to the park, we also drew and watched tv.

Overall we had a really fun week and I got a new friend. We still talk and message each other.

Meri Heikkala, 8d.