Indigenous Links to Explore...


Walking Together - For many of us, land shapes our culture, identity and sense of belonging.

Empowering the Spirit - Educational Resources to Support Reconciliation



Sky Stories: Indigenous Astronomy - The Blackfoot of The North American Plains - Makoi-Yohsokoyi - The Wolf Trail - The Milky Way

Read and listen - Learn more about Indigenous peoples, history and culture through stories and activities.

Acknowledgment of the Land and Gifts from the Land

Indigneous Math

Indigenous Math Resources - Links from the University of British Columbia

Math Catcher - an elementary resource from Simon Fraser University - The storytelling, pictures, models, problem solving, and hands-on activities encourage young people to enjoy math and help dispel myths that math is boring and abstract.



Animation Object Residency Project - Alberta Education

Reciprocity and Language


Main Coulee School Website is Created and Updated by Monica Huebner