Coulee News

We Walk this PATH Together...

End of Year EHS Celebration Coulee School Contest.pdf

Which path will the Tuscany Moose explore today?

April 12, 2021 - We had a visitor today right on our school grounds! Some of our best experiences and adventures are not planned! We take every learning opportunity we can. Why do you think the moose came to visit? Maybe the moose came to visit because he feels connected to us? Maybe he knows we care! Maybe it is warmer here than it is in the coulee in the morning. Maybe he was on his way to the coulee and he found food on our trees. Maybe he knew we came outside a lot so if he came right before school, he could eat some stuff.

Cool Moose Fact:

What Do You Call a Group of Moose?

A group of moose is called a herd. A male moose is a bull and a female is a cow. A baby moose is called a calf. A group of moose is called a herd of moose. The word moose is both singular and plural. More than one moose is called moose, not “mooses.” Moose is the North American name for what Europeans would call an elk or Alces alces.

Mysterious Bone Found in the Coulee...

On April 12, 2021, students in grade 3/4 went to the coulee for a walk. One student stumbled across a mystery bone of an animal. It was reported to the University of Calgary Archeological Department and we are left with two conflicting proposals or theories. One claims it might be that of a bison, the other says it might be the femur of a horse! Wow-- that changes the story! Needless to say, we have been very engaged in the faunal finding and we continue to question, research and explore! One of the staff brought in bones for us to research more. We think they are bison bones

finding the bone April 12.MP4

Main Coulee School Website is Created and Updated by Monica Huebner