Reading the world together

The world is full of letters and words you and your child can read together.

Activities could include the following:

· It is important to show your child the value of reading for everyday purposes. Include your child when you read recipes, greeting cards, calendars, shopping lists, food labels, instructions, maps, newspapers, emails, signs, weather forecasts and websites. For example, you could read a recipe together and follow the steps to make your child’s favourite meal. Or you could ask your child to read and tick off each grocery item on a shopping list as you buy or unpack them.

· Cook alphabet soup and say letters together as you eat them.

· Play a word hunt. Write random words on bits of paper and place them around a room. Say one of the words and ask your child to find the right word.

· Put post-it notes on objects around the house so your child can read and learn new words every day.