Oral storytelling

Storytelling is a great way to extend your child’s speaking and listening skills, and to expand their memory and imagination. Either you can tell the story, or you can encourage your child to tell the story.

Storytelling might be about:

· your child’s favourite toy

· another family member

· a pet

· a favourite fictional character from a book or television program

· a famous person

· the work of people from different professions, such as astronauts, firefighters, nurses and teachers

· an imaginary world with imaginary characters

· an imaginary animal that can speak.

Here are some tips to start your storytelling:

· Make it exciting, with different voices, puppets, or a finger play.

· Have a dress-up box for your child to use for storytelling and imaginative play.

· Start with what interests your child.

· Start by creating a character and a setting.