Pre-visit Activities

Pre-visit Activities

Prior to your visit to Sovereign Hill Costumed Schools, we strongly recommend that your students:

Bound for the Colonies

Bound for the Colonies explains two families' experiences traveling from England to Australia on board the Marco Polo. This, along with a subsequent discussion led by the class teacher, allows students the opportunity to learn about life on board a ship as seen through the eyes of children as well as the difference between social classes. It allows students the opportunity to know about life prior to arriving at the gold fields.

Reading and/or viewing Bound for the Colonies will support students in developing their character profiles.

Please note:  Bound for the Colonies  is available on YouTube or as a PowerPoint (see below). Our thanks go to the the author, Colleen Fawkes Ryan, for her support of our program.  

Bound for the Colonies.pdf

Character Information

Role play is an essential component of the Costumed School experience. When in costume, students become a living exhibit of Sovereign Hill Museum and therefore must play the part of a child on the diggings.

To support the development of their character, and to become familiar with the children of the diggings and their past, students are asked to complete the pre-visit character profile under the guidance of their classroom teacher.

To maximise the safety of all students, it is important that they use their own name not a character name. 

Each section of the character sheet serves a specific purpose:

When all of these sections are completed, staff at the Sovereign Hill Costumed School are able to determine your students' level of understanding and can tailor the experience to suit their needs.


The class character sheets are to be emailed to Sovereign Hill School one week prior to the Costumed School program:

For ease of access, character sheets are best sent in one Word document or as one PDF for each separate Costumed School. Please do not send sheets as a Zip file or as individual documents.

Character Sheet 2023.pdf
Waste not want not, August 23.pdf

Waste not, want not!

People in the 1850s needed to recycle, reuse, repurpose and reimagine items in their home and surroundings. Scarcity and availability of resources and the cost involved meant replacing things wasn’t an option. 

The activities suggested in the opposite document can be utilised before or after your Costumed School experience. These activities align with the Victorian Curriculum, particularly Critical and Creative Thinking.

Critical and Creative Thinking 

The activities suggested in the opposite document can be utilised before or after your students' experience at the Sovereign Hill Costumed School. These activities support students  in developing their thinking and the achievement of Level 5 & 6 in the Critical and Creative Thinking strand of the Victorian Curriculum.

Critical and Creative Thinking, Bound for the Colonies.docx

Social Stories

Sovereign Hill Museum Association has created social stories to support students with additional needs such as autism, anxiety and trauma.